12. Just Wait For Me to Die Trying

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"She is dead?" Thomas blurted out as Landon grabbed the whiskey bottle that Tristan was able to bring out from the house.

Shep looked back at Avery as she sat over by the pool's edge looking into the deep end, "Who killed her?"

Landon put the bottle down, "Someone named Artemis."

Shep looked back at Landon, "The Greek Goddess of hunting?"

Emmett looked over at him, "Why are you so surprised? Your father shares a bloodline with Hercules."

"No, they should all be dead. I mean all the gods and goddesses."

"Shep, we are lost man." Thomas looked down at his little brother.

"He means that with our ancestors coming back that something is coming. Something really bad." Avery said over her shoulder to them.

Shep smiled back at her, "Yes, I mean look at our parents, they are freaking out but with our ancestors coming here. I think something bigger is about to happen."

"So what, the end of the world or the apocalypse or something?" Landon asked him.

Shep looked back at him, "Our parents defeated the Darkness back in New York. That is over, so what is more deadly than the Darkness?"

"And has the gods above us freaking out." Avery said back to him.

Shep nodded his head back at her, "Exactly, if the gods are scared."

"Then we are fucked." Emmett blurted out.

Back at Jensen's house, I sat on the back porch as my hands couldn't stop shaking.

Jensen walked out to me, "You just had to take her."

"I didn't know."

"You didn't think someone was gonna kill her?"

"I didn't know that Artemis was gonna show up like she did." I said back to him.

"Everleigh is dead. Jordana, your cousin is dead." Jensen said back to me.

"I know Jensen. I saw it." I looked up at him.

Jensen narrowed his eyes back at me.

"I didn't want to hurt her. I wanted to get the point across that she went against us. She went behind our backs. She tried to get Avery killed but I still wanted her to live. I still want my cousin to live even though she is the reason Avery was attacked."

Jensen looked back at me.

I shook my head as I got up from the porch, "I'm gonna head home."

"Jordana," Jensen reached out for my hand.

I pulled back from him, "I see it in your eyes. 12 years put a big wedge between us. I see it Jensen, I'm sorry I thought I was doing the best thing for us. I thought it would be better if I went away and you stayed with the kids. I really thought everything was gonna be ok."

Jensen looked back at me.

"I will see you around." I wiped my eyes as I went around the side of the house.

Jensen dropped his head as he went back into the house.

"Dad, what is going on?" JJ asked as she walked down the steps.

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