Chapter 18: I'm a what?

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Carly's POV

"I'm a what?" I asked in confusion.

"A werewolf. Werewolves are half human and half wolf, but in your case it's half human, half wolf, half vampire, and half witch. Werewolves have packs. Packs are a group of werewolves that are basically a society. Packs consists of their leader, an Alpha, and their second, a Beta. They have a third in command, and the omega which is the lowest. They also have the pack fighter or warrior which is the strongest fighter in the pack other than the Alpha. They also have a Luna which is their Alpha's equal and his mate.They also have the regular pack members and a pack doctor since human doctors won't understand. Rogues are the pack members that left or were kicked out that aren't a part of a pack. A Pariah is a rogue with a scar across their face which means that they are never to be in a pack ever again since they did treason against their past Alpha. Now, mates are their other half of their soul which could be anyone. We worship the Moon Goddess who created us. We can shift at any time past the age of sixteen. We are allergic to silver and wolfs bane, so don't touch that stuff. Any questions?" Dahlia explained to me as if I was a child.

"Just one. Where do I belong in all of this?" I asked.

"Nowhere yet but Alpha Mark will accept you as a pack member most likely." She explained. "One last thing, when you find your mate, I will explain in more detail or they will all depending on you. I think you have had enough of this information for one day."

I didn't have enough time but I managed to process it all. I would have a mate. A guy that would forever be mine and I would be his. But, I won't ever belong to anyone. Unless he really is my other half then that would be interesting. I hope he won't reject me of the sort when he knows who I am. No one wants me for me, they want the power and glory. Not me.

"O-okay." I managed to stutter out. "One last thing. How do I change back?"

"Close your eyes and think of your human form." Dahlia said and I did as I was told.

Soon after I looked into the same water source, I could see my regular human form that I had just before. My clothes were somehow still there. I didn't know how or why but I as happy.

"Anything else?" I asked as I exhaled a breath of relief.

"No, there isn't anything else. Well, at least not yet in that domain. Now, about your witch and vampire sides. Spirit will explain what you will have to do. I will be there the entire time that you train and such." Dahlia said.

Soon after she spoke, Spirit took over my journey as my guide once more.

"Carly, we will first start by training your vampire side. You will soon have blood lust. Once that starts you will become a cold-blooded killing machine. You will also become a little sensitive to strong light, you will see further, you will become more agile and faster, and you will also have some types of allergies. The only ones that you will have is holy water. You will still be able to see yourself in the mirror, you won't be allergic to sunlight, you won't be allergic to garlic, and such. It's all myths. All that happens is that your senses are heightened just like werewolves which you are also. For this part of the training, you will learn to coop with your new abilities with side and you will learn how to control your blood lust." Spirit explained. I slightly understood what Spirit meant. I knew that I would soon.

"Okay. What do I do first?" I said shakily.

"Close your eyes." Spirit spoke softly. I obeyed. "Now, inhale." I inhaled and an intoxicating smell of blood came in and my senses went crazy. I wanted it. Well, my vampire side wanted it. "Now, open your eyes." I did as I was told. I was eager to have the blood but I knew that once I had a taste that I wouldn't want to stop.

In front of me, I could see a pile of blood packets. It smelt so good yet I knew that I shouldn't want it. But, I wanted it so bad. The smell was teasing me and inviting me for a taste of the sparkling deep red liquid.

"Go and have one." Spirit said as if testing me which I knew that was it.

I did as I was told, but I walked away with one bad of the fresh liquid. It felt so good, it tasted so good, and I wanted more. I tried to retain myself but I almost didn't. I did. I eyed the pile but I turned around. Away from the beautiful drink.

"No. No. Don't touch. Blood not good. No human blood." I whispered to myself as I sat down in a ball on the ground. I felt like I was loosing myself to this blood lust. I wanted it deep down but I couldn't. I would kill for it, but I won't.

"Congratulation, Carly. You controlled yourself. We will work on making that stronger but for now it will do. Next step, strength and agility." Spirit said. "Now, look into the forest." I did as I was told.

I seen the flashy blue flag on the top of one of the trees in the forest as I analyzed my surroundings. It was far from where I actually stood in this place. I didn't quite get as to why Spirit wanted me to look at it. Now days, anything could be possible and anything could happen in the blink of an eye. Literally.

"Now, run to it as you move swiftly and quickly through the trees to reach the flag." Spirit somewhat explained.

"Alright. My coordination sucks but alright." I said as I shook my head slightly. "Let's get this over. The quicker I finish this journey, the quicker I get to return."

Looks like I will be adapting to this new me. I sure hope that everyone is okay when I get back from this thing.

Alex's POV

"Fangs, don't piss me off. You listen to my orders." I barked at him as we walked towards the cells. My friend is out there alone and I can't find her if he fucks up.

"Shut it, Alexandra. We all know what will happen if we don't find Princess and quick." Damon shot back.

"War." Amanda whispered in a scared tone. The last war our kinds had was awful. It killed almost every fighter. Sadly, we were apart of it all.


Heyo! I know, I know. I have given up my updating schedule. I will update when update. Anyway, Carly is now getting use to her newly found sides, and War is at bay outside of Carly's bubble. So, this update's song is "Really don't care" by Demi Lavato ft. Cher Lloyd. I hope y'all enjoyed this update.

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Till next time my dears!

-NCP274 ;)

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