Chapter 20: As the days go by

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Alex, Amanda, Dustin and Damon went down to the cell where Carly had previously been held captive. Soon enough, Alex found what she needed to find.

"No. I found it. A piece of her shirt. A very small piece but its hers. This must have been what you smelt. What I was saying before I found it, she never realized that she left something behind. But, only I would know about it." I said as I turned towards him showing the piece of fabric. "Now, sniff, Fangs."

As for Carly, she was still with Spirit inside the forest.

I seen the flashy blue flag on the top of one of the trees in the forest as I analyzed my surroundings. It was far from where I actually stood in this place. I didn't quite get as to why Spirit wanted me to look at it. Now days, anything could be possible and anything could happen in the blink of an eye. Literally.

"Now, run to it as you move swiftly and quickly through the trees to reach the flag." Spirit somewhat explained.

"Alright. My coordination sucks but alright." I said as I shook my head slightly. "Let's get this over. The quicker I finish this journey, the quicker I get to return."


Carly's POV

My body ran swiftly through the trees with ease. My current target had now been placed in my hand as I ran back to my past spot. This was going to get me one step closer to getting out of whatever the Hell this is. One step closer to going back and then figuring out where to go next. Except, so far, it looks like I won't be getting out anytime soon. As soon as I thought of what will happen the second I get out of this orb of light, I thought of where Willow and Mark will be once I exit.

"Don't worry so much, young one." Spirit spoke strongly as I stood at my previous spot. "Congratulations. You made it under thirty seconds to there and back which was a mile in total. Before you can start shouting that it's impossible, you've reached the capacity of running as quick as a pure vampire."

This news struck me. I know that I'm a hybrid but I didn't know how fast vampires could run. Let alone a pure vampire. But, with all the thinking, something struck and swirled around my mind.

"Over all of this time, Spirit, why didn't I need sleep? I haven't felt tired yet and it's felt like three days." I began to question. I didn't bother asking about the reason behind why I wasn't hyperventilating like I would normally after running fast. I would guess that since I have a quarter of vampire in me, it just means more endurance? Yeah, let's go with that for now.

"You don't need sleep just yet. You see, outside of this place, time passes a bit slower. So, what feels like three days to you is about a day and a half to them. Your body doesn't require sleep all the time. As for the vampires, they don't need it at all. Some vampires like to sleep even if it is useless but some still want to connect to their human side. As for hybrids, like you, they need sleep every once in a while. Every creature has a different lifestyle but hybrids have had a lifestyle closer to their original life. For you, it would be the human lifestyle." Spirit answered. "Anything else before we continue to the next lesson?"

"Not really. So, what's next?" I asked as I watched the scenery's beauty.

"Next, you will need a new diet that satisfies the human side, the witch side, the werewolf side and the vampire side. This means you could eat what you please but you will have to include these to the menu." Spirit said. This shocked me a bit. What I mean is that I probably wouldn't be able to eat something to please a certain side. Damn it!

"Ugh. As much as I hate changing my food, let's get this over with, shall we?" I sighed.

"As you wish. Once we have finished it, you will start training physically so you may fight. Many have lost their lives to this. Will you accept the challenge?" Spirit asked as the scenery changed to a different part of the forest.

"Whatever gets me back out there the fastest. I just want to get this over with soon."

Willow's POV

I watched the orb of light for the past day. So far, it seemed as if she could handle herself. The Queen was right, a hybrid could endure almost anything. Except, Spirit hasn't done anything bad yet since Carly was raised as a human. I can only hope that she makes it through the training. This is how the hybrids get eliminated. I wouldn't want Carly to die. So far, Mark likes her presence. It would be a shame if she were to die out by training like so many others.

"She'll make it. The girl has the strength of a warrior deep inside." Mark spoke gently as he held me tight.

I didn't reply. It was never sure what Spirit would give them. It was up to them to deal with whatever Spirit sends their way.

Hopefully, when Carly exits her training grounds, she will be alive, well and prepared for the life that awaits her outside. Not many made it this far without shouting for help. Spirit must like her. Of course, Spirit liked a few of the others.

As for the time that she will leave, that is unknown. Only the one who rules the orb can release her when ready. Or dead. Whatever one comes first. I personally have never taken one since I not a hybrid, but what if I have a child? Will they have to do such a thing? Will the child survive? Yes. Like the Queen says, if raised properly, anyone could fight to survive within the walls of the orb.

"Calm down, Dear. She'll be fine." Mark soothes as I begin to drift to sleep after watching over the orb.

It is now the second day of watching over the orb and nothing has happened. Once again, she was able to last longer than expected for the way she was raised. A human couldn't possibly be strong enough to outlast this.

I watch the day pass by alongside with Mark. We spoke but my attention remained on him and the orb. I still have orders to follow.

By the time I drifted to sleep, nothing had happened once again.

By the break of dawn, I hear a scream from the orb after three days of her being in there, I start to question what is happening. She hasn't screamed for help but in pain. Clearly, she isn't doing well.

"Mark, do I help her?" I asked him. I like this one. She does have a warrior deep down inside as Mark had suggested.

"No. She can handle it. Leave the story roll itself out." He replied as he pulled me closer.

For the rest of the day, we listened to Carly's screams until it stopped. Dead silence. Had she died? Spirit wouldn't kill this one off. Would they?

Panic began to rise as the silence stayed. Mark and I both felt panicked. Yet, no body was thrown outside of the orb. This seemed to make panic rise twice as much. Carly couldn't be on the edge of dying. Could she?

I soon raised my hands to my head to hold it. These questions were filling my head so much that I started to have a headache. It felt like my head was about explode. After not thinking for a while, it stopped. Stressing won't help the situation at all. For now, we wait. Hopefully, it gives good news.


Heyo! I know that I don't update often but I'm attempting to make the updates frequent. Hopefully. Um... I hope y'all liked the chapter. So, tell me, what happened during Carly's training? Anyways, nice to say hi again. What else. Oh yeah! This update's song is "Golden Days"  by Panic! At The Disco. No reason in specific. It's just a really good song. Have nice whatever time it is within this span of 24 hours.


Till next time, my dears.

-NCP274 ;)

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