Chapter 21: Trapped in a world of crazy

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Carly's POV

It's Day 6 in this thing. I have been training since Day 3.

"You have to be more agile or you will end up on your butt. Faster!" Spirit shouted as I ran through the new grounds for training. This was a bootcamp. I'm not joking.

I didn't reply as I ran. My body kept forcing itself. Pushing harder and harder to get it right. Running from one point to the other while facing multiple obstacles. It was only getting worse by the minute. More challenges would appear every time I would progress. Spirit wasn't going easy. This wasn't even close to a human gym class. Far from it.

"Push yourself. You will get it. One more lap and it's over for today." I thought to myself as I ran faster. I knew that if I was actually human, I would have passed out an hour ago.

The only thing that kept me going was the fight for survival, if I get out, I will have to fight on one side or leave. I would choose the later. Spirit's methods would help me if I was ever in trouble. I kept running as the time passed.

"You're done running for now." Spirit said as it stopped me. "Time to fight."

At the moment, this didn't even shock me. Spirit always did this. Like always, I obeyed.

"Alright, what do I do?"

As soon as I asked, a holographic fighter showed up. Of course, it just had to be that. My eyes scanned the room for gloves to match the clothing I started wearing three days ago, which would consist of booty shorts and a tank top along with a pair of sneakers and as for the colours, it doesn't matter. Soon, I found what I was looking for. A pair of good boxing gloves that matched the fighter's pair.

"Let's do this." I said as I attached the gloves and stood in front of the fighter.

"Let the fight begin." Spirit said and the fighter attacked.

She did a right hook towards my face. I didn't expect it, so it got me. She continued to attack me and I started to dodge and block her every offense. After what seemed ten minutes, I stopped my defense and kicked her in the ribs which sent her backwards. In that moment, I felt proud but it didn't last long as she got back up and slammed me to the floor. This made me scream in pain as I felt the cold floor against my face. I felt a small trickle of blood coming from the inside of my mouth, I must have bite something. I could feel pain from other body parts but that didn't matter at the moment.

I slowly got up but not long, she kicked me back down. It continued like that for a while. The room echoed with my screams of pain. When I felt more pain and as if I was being put as a peasant, I felt a strong bleeding passion to beat her face in. A strong dark feeling began to grown in the deeps of my every fiber in my body. The darkness consumed me. I am not one to put in a cage.

When she went to go punch me again, I deflected it. I quickly got up and started to punch and kick her to the floor. A part of me felt my humanity fade away and liked it, and another part of me made it feel like it was for survival. Kill or be killed.

Kill or be killed.  The words echoed in my head as I continued to punch and kick with every force of power I had.

Punch after punch, the holograph started to dissolve into the scenery. I felt powerful. Then, it hit me as soon as the fighter was gone, the reason why it dissolved is probably because I killed her. This automatically made me fear myself. If the fighter was real, I would have killed someone. This slowly sunk into my conscience and my soul.

"Good. You made it." Spirit said. " You need some rest."

I didn't reply as I walked towards a door that Spirit indicated as my dormitory which would be where I would be sleeping for the time I'm here.

The thought never left. I have the power to kill someone. I killed the hologram and I liked it. My humanity really was slipping away from me just like my sanity. Day by day.

What would I be like when I get out? Would I be a killing machine? These thoughts brought fear to my soul.


I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. The nightmares of murdering kept me up.

Why would Willow put me in here if she didn't want me to become a weapon... Or was she just another one of those people who wanted my head? Of course she was! No one could be that cruel to stuff me here and expect a happy person to come out. Maybe her Queen set this all up to have me as a weapon. All I want is to go home to Danny. The evil little guy.

Oh no. Danny is at home alone and I have been in this effed up world for I don't even know for how long. He's alone. No sister and who the Hell knows where Mom went. She's probably too busy to care for her own damn children 'cause she's got a war to create. Great.

Well, the faster I get out of this world of crazy the better. Everyone here is out to get me and I'm sitting here doing nothing at all to help. Great.

Everyone is out to get me and I'm worrying about things that don't matter. All that matters now is survival in this magical dimension to return home. Where ever the Hell that may be.

I really am going into insanity. Mad hatter will soon greet me with tea and we'll have a tea party for the mad. This place isn't suppose to exist. I'm suppose to be going to Starbucks with Alex or partying with Luke. Maybe even babysitting the devil known as Danny but no, I'm here.

I guess this is my current reality. I'm trapped in a world of crazy. To top it all off, I have no way out without spilling blood. This is definitely not in my nature as a human but I guess I really was never human, right?


Heyo! I hope y'all liked this chapter and I know it's not the longest but it's long enough. Thanks for reading. The song is "So What" by P!nk.

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Till next time, my dears.

-NCP274 ;)

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