Chapter 26: Files

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Luke's POV

"Where is she?" He shouted as Tanya slowly glided a sharp object across my skin.

"I swear! I don't know! Shane, just let me go!" I shouted for hours and hours. He never answered as the torture continued.

Tanya watched and helped with enjoyment as if my torture pleased her. My friends were torturing me for information that I don't have and yet, they continue.

"You talk with the Queen! You must know where the bitch is hiding!" Tanya shouted as blood trickled down from my wounds. Tears fell from my eyes as I couldn't answer anything.

I was trapped with no escape inside of a tiny dark room. I couldn't see much since there was only a few candles to aluminate the room. As hours passed, I knew that death was soon going to show but I needed to hide all of it. Like they say, I'll take my secrets to my grave.


It has been days, maybe even weeks, that I haven't seen Carly, Alex, Amanda or Dustin. Ever since Carly disappeared and they left, I was alone with Tanya and Shane. Normally, the two would talk and I would get lost in my train of thought. Except, this time, Shane asked my opinion and Tanya was a little too close to me with her hand on my thigh. I felt out of place now as I was being put on the spot.

Blood rushed as my pulse quickened. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. Fear struck as they examined my every move from my spot on the couch. My instincts were telling me to run but my heart telling me to stay. They are my friends after all.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about the disappearance of the Princess, would you?" Shane asked as Tanya watched even closer.

"Not at all. Why?" I asked slowly as I watched their reactions. I didn't know why but something seemed off about them today.

"No reason. Just wondering that's all." Tanya said softly as I got up from the chair.

"Alright, I'm going to go to bed. My head is- uh- hurting." I said as I rushed out of the room and down the hallways.

They may be my friends but at the moment, they don't seem like their normal selves. I need to know why and figure out where the others went. This Kingdom is falling apart right under our feet with all of the stuff that's going on. Someone needs to fix this.

Right now, I need to get information. Shane and Tanya seemed determined to find Carly. No one else, but why? So many questions, so little time. Where to start is the real question.


"Mrs. McRay? Is it alright if I come in?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

"Come in, child." I heard someone say behind the closed doors.

I did as I was told and I opened the doors to reveal a Mrs. McRay at her desk alone in her office. This was the perfect time to ask questions.

"You wanted something?" She asked without looking up from her papers. Probably from the general asking permission to use Carly as weapon, what an ass.

"Yes, I did. I was wondering how you were since your daughter is missing." I casually said as I looked around for anything that might help my search.

"I have been doing just fine. She'll be back soon enough. You know teenagers. They always want to be rebellious to get what they want. She has done this is the past and so, I believe that she will be back." She responded in the same monotone way she had before.

It was almost robotic as if her child gone didn't affect her. Weird but it isn't my problem at the moment. First, Carly and friends; then, Shane and Tanya. Afterwards, I  will have to piece it all together.

As thoughts scrambled around, my eyes scanned the room for anything that might be useful. Papers, pens, clues, drawers, keys and anything in between. My eyes stopped on a certain item.

"Bingo." I whispered to myself in success.

"What was that, dear? I couldn't hear you." She said as she never looked up.

"Nothing. Um, thank you for everything. I'm going to go to my quarters now. Good night." I answered as I left the room in a hurry.

I have found what I needed but now, I needed a way to retrieve it. How, you may ask? There aren't any cameras or such security mesures there because they want you to think that there isn't anything there but in reality, there is. Now, to get there without anyone noticing...


For a few hours, I thought of all possible possibilities and the best had been to go while everyone is asleep. Except, when I do get the files about her, how will I hide them? Then, an idea struck. I will hide them in my safe. The only way in is by a spell, a spell that only I know. Why did I do that? I don't remember but it came in handy.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

There's my cue. Showtime.


I walked to the office in a very stealthy way. So far, the plan has worked. I just need to make it to the office and back to my room safely. And possibly, no interaction with anyone. I pray to the divine goddess that I don't get caught.

Slowly and surely, I made it into the office and to the files. I searched trough them and grabbed the "Carly" file. Up until now, nothing bad has happened. I hope that this continues well. As I leave the office the same way I got in (by the door), I hear footsteps. Quickly, I stash the file into my big shirt and I notice that I can't see it. Good.

"Hey, Shane. What's crakalakin'?" I said in a close to normal tone. I don't think he will notice.

"Nothing much. What are you up to at two am?" He asked me while staring me down. Gladly, he didn't notice the file.

"I could ask you the same thing." I respond. Right now, to share him her file would be a stupid move on my part.

"Fair enough." He laughed with a surrender pose. Soon enough, he seemed like his old self. Almost but he still had a weird glimmer in his eyes.

"Good night. I need sleep and so do you. I was just eating a late night snack." I said as I walked back to my room without him following.

Once that I was sure that no one was following me, I opened the file and I looked through it. It had more than I had expected about Carly.

"Well, shit. Good evening, Carly or should I say, Cyra." I whispered to the file as I closed it.

Before going to sleep, I closed the file and I locked it safely into the safe. The rest of the night passed by quickly until four am.

At four am, I was kidnapped and I was thrashing. I was kicking and screaming. I did all in my power to escape, yet nothing worked. They had me and I needed to keep Cyra a secret. Carly owes me for this one.


"Tell us, Luke!" Tanya shouted over and over.

"I said I don't know." I said in a whisper as the torture got worse.

Secrets to keep until my grave. Secrets. Always with the secrets. When will they ever stop?


Heyo! How y'all doing during this fine span of 24 hours? Good? Me too. I know I know. Poor Luke. I want to say more about it but I can't or I will be giving spoilers into the next chapter. This update's song is "Work from home" by Fifth Harmony. So, I hope you liked the chapter if so, give it a like. Don't hesitate to comment. Quick question: Anybody have a song recommendation?

Thank you for reading!


Till next time, my dears.

- NCP274 ;)

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