Chapter 2 - Nico

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 Wavy brown hair, sparkling green eyes, and a temper. I'd have to remember that for future reference. 

  All I'd done was raise a human from the dead and secure a win for Percy in their sword fight. Big whoop. Talk about touchy.

  I shadow traveled back to the pavilion. It felt good to do so, even if it was tiring.

  "Where's Paris?" Annabeth asked when I returned to the Athena table. 

  "She didn't want to sit near me apparently," I said.

  "She's just - well....Just don't take it personally, Nico," Annabeth patted the bench next to her and I sat down. "She doesn't take kindly to being beaten and embarrassed."

  "No kidding," I glanced off to where I'd left her.

  "I'd be careful if I was you, buddy," One of Annabeth's half brothers, Jayden, warned me. "Paris is known for hanging out with the Stolls'." 

  Annabeth nodded. "She's super smart and cunning. Not to mention ambitious. She'll get you back."

  "I'm not scared of some nerd of Athena's. No offense," I added, eyeing Annabeth. No matter how much of a friend Annabeth was, that chick was kind of scary.

  Annabeth raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

  When dinner was over, offerings were to be made. Everyone was to give a portion of their food to the gods. I did so for Paris so she wouldn't get struck dead in her sleep. Although, if she did, she wouldn't be angry anymore... For her sake I hoped the gods liked supreme pizza.

  My mind was still buzzing with all the events of my day.That morning, for a quick example, I'd saved an entire town from a blood-thirsty chimera. Just a small fraction of what all I'd done that day. 

  As I picked my way down to the cabins, someone called out my name, telling me to wait a second.

  "Nico!" It was Percy.

  "Hey," I greeted him.

  "I was thinking. Lately, with Tyson gone, and all, it's been kinda lonely in my cabin. Wanna bunk with me?" Percy asked.

  "That'd be great," I grinned.


  Percy and I headed to the Poseidon cabin. When we passed the Athena cabin I caught a glimpse of Paris. I smirked in spite of myself. Percy glanced to where I'd been looking and smiled too. 

  "You know, I think you two would get along, but you screwed that up. Expect the next giant war," He snickered.

  I rolled my eyes. "She's so oversensitive."

  "She's...Paris," Percy said as we reached the Poseidon cabin.

  Okay, so you're probably wondering all about me. Hmm... Well, my sister, Bianca, and I were trapped in a place in Las Vegas called the Lotus Hotel. Do not go there. And, if you do stumble across it, I suggest you get the heck out of there. Like, immediately.That place, it literally stops time. Like, you go and chill for what seems like five minutes? Well, screw that, 'cause you've actually been there for five weeks. And they have all sorts of stuff that draws you in. Like a venus fly trap it temps you in with sweet things. Then it eats you. They hotel's the exact same way, only it's not a killer plant. No, it's a killer hotel. Yeah, that's it. So, my sister and I were in there for, like, years. Then some guy, a lawyer, if I remember right, came and rescued us. To this day I still don't know who he is, and it drives me crazy. A lot of nights I'll lay away wondering where he is and who he is. A little while later we were at a school with a monster who was pretending to be a teacher. Then Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, a satyr, saved Bianca and me. That's my story. Well, then we went on a quest and...I...I lost Bianca. She was the only person I'd ever felt really close to. Probably because all the kids at that school thought I was weird since I play Mythomagic. For the longest time, I hated Percy; I thought it was his fault my sister had died. Then I'd brought her back from the dead, not for real, but long enough to talk to her for a bit. She told me it wasn't Percy's fault and I believed her. 

Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now