Chapter 15 - Nico

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  "Shh," I whispered into her ear. "It's okay. It'll be okay." 

  Paris shook like a leaf in a storm in my arms. Her warm tears splashed down onto my jacket, making a shiny wet spot.

  "Paris, I have a plan. I think I have a way you can see your dad again," I said. If this plan would work, she might have a life time with her dad. 

  "R-really?" She asked, wiping some tears from her face.

  "Allow me to explain," I began. "You know how I can raise the dead?"

  Paris nodded.

  "Well, as you know, my dad is Hades. Once, back a long time ago, like three years, my sister, Bianca...she passed on. To the Underworld." Although the pain of her death had dulled somewhat, simply saying her name made my heart ache.

  "Annabeth said you'd...lost a sister," Paris didn't meet my eye.

  "She didn't lie. Bianca was with Percy when it happened. For a really long time, I blamed Percy for her death. Turns out it wasn't his fault; I was wrong. Bianca sacrificed herself to save us." I said.

  "Who would us be?" Paris inquired.

  "Me, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and a few others including Grover," I explained. "While I still blamed Percy for Bianca's loss of life, I tried to contact her and bring he back from the dead."

  Paris gasped, and I saw she was beginning to understand my plan.

  "Instead of coming back, she chose to be reincarnated. I think that if we get down to the Underworld fast enough, we can change my dad's mind and have him allow your father to live. We'll have to leave immediately, though, to get there on time." I wondered what was running through Paris's head at the moment. She had a look of deep concentration in her eyes that had me curious. For a few minutes, there was silence as Paris thought it all over.

  "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get a move on!" Paris's green eyes glowed with fresh determination as she tugged at my sleeve like an eager child. It was hard to believe that this girl, who had just fallen apart, was now so intent on this newest task.

  "It'll be extremely hard. Not to mention dangerous," I felt I should warn her, at the very least.

  "Good. I could use some danger right about now," Paris's face gleamed with impatient interest.

  I tried to read her emotions. She seemed to be flying high, her massive grin made me wonder if she was completely sane at the time.

  "Uh, are you okay?" I asked, a little bit worried.

  "I'm great! Honestly, Nico, it's like you think I'm crazy or something," Paris's laugh was normal. Like I'd said something really funny, when I hadn't.

  "You sure?" I raised an eyebrow.

  "You just told me I might get to see my dad again! Of course I'm sure!" Paris was giddy. Too jubilant. What if I was wrong? What if I couldn't bring her dad back? Would she ever forgive me?

  "Paris, I just want you to know, this is just a theory--" I began, but she was already yanking me out of the bathroom and down the hall to the lobby.

   "Are you quite alright, sweetie?" The receptionist asked.

  "I'm great! Thank you so much!" She called over her shoulder and pulled me out the door.

  "Call Mrs. O'Leary," Paris ordered me. 

  I whistled obediently. The black mass shot over to us.

  "Mrs. O'Leary? Can you get us to Hades?" Paris asked calmly as though she did this everyday.

  "WOOF!" Mrs. O'Leary answered and wagged her gigantic tail joyfully.

  "I take it you rested up well?" I asked her as Paris clambered up onto her shaggy back.

  The hellhound touched her cold, wet nose to my cheek. I took that as a yes.

  "Nico, are you coming or not?" Paris demanded earnestly.

  "Yeah, I'm coming," I sighed, feeling like a heavy weight was riding on my shoulders as I climbed up.

  "To the Underworld!" Paris said.

  The suffocating blackness surrounded us, the wind whipped through my hair, knotting it more that it already had been. Even though I was used to the bizarre feeling of shadow travel, my lips pulling away from my mouth was a sensation I could probably never get used to.

  Soon, we were surrounded by the encasing walls of the entrance to the Underworld.

  Paris's mouth fell open as she gazed about her at the massive stone walls, then at the rows of dead people waiting their turn to be ferried across the river.

  "Mr. Di Angelo, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence again so soon?" Charon bowed low. 

  "I'm here to visit my father." I took hold of Paris's arm. "Well, we're here to visit him."

  "Lovely to meet this beautiful young lass," Charon's sunken eyes examined Paris. I felt her skin goose bump as she looked the ferryman.

  "Yes. Now, we'll be heading across." I said and Mrs. O'Leary bounded over the River Styx.

  "Okay, Mrs. O'Leary, you want to go play with Ceberus?" The hellhound barked what had to be a yes, so Paris and I slid off of her back. "Thanks," I scratched her behind the ears a bit while Paris tapped her foot impatiently.

  "C'mon, then," I smirked despite my worry and led her to Hades' Palace.

  She jogged and caught up with me.

  "This place is" Paris was at a loss for words.

  "Creepy? Huge? Weird? I know," I said. Paris's eyes widened as we grew closer to the palace. I took her hand and gave it a confident squeeze.

  Finally, we arrived at Hades' Palace.

  "Paris, welcome to my dad's home," I said.



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Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now