Chapter 7 - Paris

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  He didn't know how close I was to punching him. I was irate. No, more than irate. There's not a word for how angry I was. When I finally walked away from him, my pulse was still hammering in my veins. I knew it was only three-thirty in the morning, but I couldn't go back to my cabin. They were still cleaning up spiders.

 As I sat down at one of the picnic tables in the pavilion, I wasn't afraid of the harpies. I don't know why I wasn't. After all, they greatly enjoy a meal of the freshest demigod. I stared at the moon which was sinking down in the sky. In my head, I was dissecting my emotions. I'd been terrified to wake up and feel legs crawling all over me. I'd been thankful towards Annabeth for braving our mutual fear and helping me get rid of the awful things. Last, and probably strongest, was the feeling of anger and hatred I'd felt for Nico. It was like a volcano had suddenly erupted inside of me.

  I took a calming breath because the blood was boiling again at the thought of how cruel and thoughtless Nico had been. 

  I closed my eyes and thought of nothing. Soon enough I fell asleep.

  "PARIS!" Someone poked me in the ribcage. Hard

  "Go awaaay," I moaned and slapped at the person who was poking me.

  Someone laughed loudly.

  "Percy, so help me," I rolled over. 


  "Dam (Only true demigods will get this XD)," I groaned. "I must've fallen asleep."

  "No, duh." It was the slightly snarky voice of Nico Di Angelo.

  I kept my mouth firmly shut. I wasn't going to let this jerk get on my nerves. Again. "What do you want?" I glowered at Percy. 

  "Breakfast," Percy grinned. "Just out of curiosity, what was with all of the yelling last night?"

  "If you heard it why didn't you come see what it was?" I inquired, feeling rather indignant.

  "Oh, I just figured you were screaming about Justin Bie--"

  "Don't you dare say his name," I narrowed my eyes.

  "Why? Is it sacred or something?" Nico laughed loudly.

  "No. He's a disgusting, horrifying loser who--"

  "Who're you talking about?" Annabeth had made her way over to the table I was currently sitting on the stone floor beside. "Justin Bieber." She answered herself.

  "Yep," I smiled at her. Annabeth hates him too. (NO OFFENSE TO ANY BELIEBERS)

  "Okay, what happened?" Now Percy was curious.

  I glared pointedly at Nico.

  "Er..." He was hesitant and kept glancing in my direction. Good. 

  "Nico thought it would be...funny to put spiders in Paris's bed," Annabeth said. She wasn't too amused about the whole situation either, I was pleased to see.

  "I said I was sorry," Nico's expression was slightly...pained? "And Paris threatened me."

  "I only said if you said something I would do something to you," I explained, irritated by him yet again.

  "Huh?" Percy asked, playing stupid.

  "You know what I meant," I couldn't help but smile. Percy has  this way of making you want you laugh.

  "Yeah," Percy chuckled. "Nico." He was suddenly stern looking. Percy? Stern? What? Not possible.

  "Yes?" Nico looked a bit unhappy. Not that I felt bad for him. Gods, no. Never. Should I knock on wood? 

  "Did you really--"

  "Yes! Okay? I said I'm sorry, like, fifty times!" Nico said in exasperation.

  "Actually," I volunteered, "You only apologized once."

  "Whatever!" Nico turned on his heel and marched off.

  Annabeth raised her eyebrows at Percy. He shrugged and sat down at the table.

  "Oh! Paris, before I forget, I have a letter for you from your dad." Annabeth pulled a white envelope from her pocket and handed it to me.

  "Awesome," I smiled at the envelope. I hadn't gotten a letter from my dad in a long time. It was always nice to hear from him.

  Once we were over at the Athena table I tore open the flap with my thumb and slipped the sheet of paper out.

Dear Paris,

  How's my little girl doing? Well, I hope. This letter will be short. Much too short, if you want my opinion. I have something I must tell you, though I'm not quite sure how. 

  Lately I've been feeling a bit...strange. I've been unable to catch my breath. You know how I usually jog in the morning? Well, I haven't been able to do that do to this inability to breath normally. I went to the doctor when I woke up one morning and had a coughing fit so strong I couldn't breath. I somehow ended up in the ER. 

  The doctors diagnosed me with small cell lung cancer. X-rays were done, and they found a large tumor in my brain. I...I most likely won't...make it out. 

  I just wanted to be the one to tell you. I'm so, so utterly sorry, Pair Bear. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in person. 

  I love you.


  I was speechless. This couldn't be happening. I read and reread the letter at least three times. Soundlessly I handed it to Annabeth. I couldn't stand to watch as her eyes widened while she read.

  "Oh...Gods...Paris, I-I'm so sorry," Her expression was stricken as she looked over the paper at me.

  "What?" Percy came over after he saw Annabeth's face.

  He read the letter quickly and gasped.

  I was hyperventilating. This was not happening. I felt the strongest urge to run away. My legs wouldn't move. They were welded to the stones. My dad was going to die. I wouldn't be there to see him one last time. He had cancer. The most deadly cancer in the entire world. Finally, I unglued my legs and stood. Annabeth reached out and touched my arm. It was as though I no longer had a nervous system. 

  I ran away. Away from the fears. Away from my friends. Away from everything with only one thought in my mind. My dad was going to die.



Hey my looooooovely Narwhals! Yep, you read that right, I updated again!! I was bored :P. So, how did you guys like this chapter?! Please, I NEED your opinions! Remember to vote, comment, and enjoy ;). 


The Unicorn LOOOOVER :D

Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now