Chapter 17 - Nico

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  Seriously? Gods, this was annoying. Exceedingly annoying. So much for my dad's good mood only a few days before. 

  The moldy smell of the dungeon almost made my eyes tear. As Paris and I sat in silence, I heard a scuttling noise and watched as a small dark shape ran along the shadows. The stupid rat was free, and here I was, the Ghost King, locked up in a prison cell in the basement of my dad's palace. Then it hit me. I was the Ghost King! Why was I just sitting here, moping?

  "Paris, I have an idea," I exclaimed.

  "Is it as brilliant as your other ideas? Will this one get us trapped in another dungeon? Will another person I love die and stay d-d-dead?" Paris lifted her head from her knees and I saw the red tears stains on her face. She held her cheeks in her hands to try to hide the tear tracks. 

  "Paris," I sat down beside her. She moved away. I took hold of her wrist.

  "Let me go," She hissed. I let go of her, feeling the sudden electricity I always did when I touched her. Her glare softened into an expression of pure pain. Paris clutched at her chest as though her heart was being ripped in two. Tears dripped down her face. 

  I stood and gently took her hand away from her chest.

  She glowered up at me, but allowed me to touch her. I pulled her up so she stood across from me. 

  I held both of her hands in mine and pulled her closer to me. It felt strange to be so near to her. Our noses were mere inches apart.

  Her green eyes glistened with fresh tears. "I know what I'm talking about this time. We can escape from this prison. But you'll have to trust me."

  "How can I trust you after everything that happened? First, you promise me we'll make it to the hospital in time," She tugged her hands out of mine. "Then you say we can rescue my dad." She didn't stop to listen to my protests. "And now you expect me to trust you?! You're unbelievable." Paris turned her back on me.

  I gripped her shoulders and spun her around to face me. "Paris, I--"

  "You what?! You're sorry?! Sorry isn't going to cut it!" She was close to yelling, her voice rising. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Paris spat.

  I bent down so that my face was only three inches from hers. Paris's green eyes widened with confusion. 

  "N-Nico?" She stuttered. The tip of her nose brushed mine. The electric shock zipped through my body, filling me with a sudden heat.

  Paris gasped.

  I bit my lip thoughtfully. Then it happened, or, shall I say, nearly happened. Just as I leaned in to close the remaining space between Paris's lips and mine, there was a huge BANG. Paris's eyes flew open and she jolted so fiercely my hands dropped from her shoulders.

  "What was that?!" 

  "I-I don't know!" I gasped.

  Again the noise. As though a cannon was going off. It ripped through the stagnant air of the dungeon.

  Suddenly a thick cloud of smoke filled the air.

  "Nico?!" Paris shouted over the constant commotion.

  "I'm here!" I yelled back. "I'm going to raise some soldiers from the dead to let us out! Don't freak!" I concentrated and thrust my arm high into the smokey air. I heard Paris cough. My eyes were stinging and smarting as I split the ground open.

  By the time I had the soldier all the way out of the ground I was sweating. "Lift your shirt of over your nose!" I commanded Paris.

  I lifted the neck of my own shirt, which was damp with sweat, up over my nose and found it was much easier to breath. The smoke was thick and gray. I inhaled deeply, trying to fill my burning lungs.

  "Let us out!" I demanded to the soldier.

  It gripped the steal bars of our cell and wrenched them apart easily.

  "Thanks, dude! See you around!" I bellowed at the skeleton. It nodded and smiled, if that's possible.

  I grabbed Paris's hand which she had reached out to me with and we squeezed through the manhandled or, rather, skeleton handled, bars.

  "What's going on?" Paris gulped at the air around her. 

  "I don't know!" I darted through the prison with Paris at my side. We crashed up the stairs and finally made it to the throne room. 

  Hades was seated in the throne of skulls, his eyes in a fiery stare as he looked into his crystal globe.

  "What's going on?!" I exclaimed.

  "The Palace is under attack." Hades said, not even bothering to me my eye and explain. 



I know, another cliffhanger. I'm not really sorry, though. I know, I'm an evil jerk.

So what did you guys think?!

Also, the chair on the side is Hades throne.

Remember to vote, comment, and enjoy!

In Demigods We Trust <3

The unicorn LOVER XD


Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now