Chapter 5 - Paris

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  Boy, did it feel good to beat Clarisse...again.

  I was beaming as I walked back to the Athena cabin to grab an new set of clothes so I could shower. I was sweaty and spattered with mud. 

  "Wait! Hale!" Clarisse roared behind me as I headed to the cabin. 

  "What?" I growled. I was sick of Clarisse and her constant need to beat me. Not that she ever could. 

  "Let me do one more rematch!" 

  "GODS! WOULD YOU JUST GO AWAY, CLARISSE?! I'M NOT GIVING YOU ANOTHER FREAKING REMATCH!" As you can probably tell, she was driving me crazy

  Just then Annabeth appeared. "Er, Clarisse, maybe it's just better for you to leave Paris alone."

  "Fine," Clarisse snarled and stalked off. 

  "Thanks so much," I said earnestly.

  "No problem. I know how annoying she is," Annabeth smiled at me in that big sister way. "Are you going to take a shower?" She eyed my dirty, sweaty clothes.

  "Yep. How'd you guess?" I smirked at her.

  "One, you smell like a BO monster. Two, you're covered in muck. And three, you look like a tornado hit you," Annabeth laughed.

  "Gee, thanks," I rolled my eyes and grinned.

  "Oh, there's Percy. I've got to go. Bye!" Annabeth waved over her shoulder as she jogged towards Percy.

  "See you," I waved back even though she didn't see.

  I began to walk again. After a few minutes I spotted something black in the grass. I realized it was Nico Di Angelo. He looked like he was asleep. 

  "Nico?" So much for being asleep; he opened an eye and glanced up at me.


  "What're you doing?" I raised an eyebrow. I was slightly curious, to be honest.

  "Nothing." Was his explanatory answer.

  I began to walk away. 

  "I just want you to know, Paris, I will get back at you!" Did he seriously think he scared me?

  "I'm not all that worried," I said over my shoulder and headed to my cabin.

  As the hot water ran over my shoulders in the shower, I began to wonder what Nico had planned for me, if anything. Would it be something mean? I didn't know why I cared so much. 

  That evening at dinner, Nico came over and joined Annabeth and me as usual. 

  "Why don't you go sit with Percy?" I asked, my tone biting.

  At these words an amused smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth. He stood and I actually thought he was going to do as I'd suggested. That is, until he made his way over to me and sat down on my immediate right. Annabeth glanced nervously at Nico from my left. 

  "Why is it that you despise me so much?" He asked. Okay, he was really starting to bug me. I mean, hello?! Ever heard of personal space? 

  I voiced this opinion to him and he laughed. He has an all right laugh, I guess...a little throaty. I was horrified with myself for thinking like that. No, I told myself firmly, not happening.

  "Sorry," I could tell Nico was anything but sorry. Gods, sometimes I got the biggest urges to punch him in the superior face. "Allow me." He moved away from me at least a foot. Finally, some breathing room. "Now, will you answer my question?" Behind those smug eyes was true curiosity.

Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now