Chapter 3 - Paris

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  What an idiot. Did he really think I thought he was hot? Ugh, boys. *rolls eyes*

  So, there we were, him topless, making stupid jokes. Me, standing there, horrified by his stupid jokes.

  All of a sudden, someone yelled. It was Percy. Nico stopped mid breath and wheeled around to face the noise.

  As we ran to the Poseidon cabin, I wondered what on earth could've happened to Percy. Then it hit me; my trick on Nico.

  Finally, we reached the cabin. Nico flung the door open and gasped. I peeked through the open doorway and surveyed my handy work. 

  Percy was dangling by an ankle from a rope which was attached to the ceiling. Not only that, but he has a fake silver unicorn horn stuck to his forehead, and he was covered from head to toe in light pink and lavender glitter.

  "Dude! What the hippocampi?!" Percy yelped. "Get me down!"

  I couldn't help but snicker. Nico burst out laughing. 

  "Gods, you look like a fairy princess's unicorn!" He rolled around on the floor, hugging his gut. 

  "Still not successful?" I asked him scornfully.

  "No, you didn't get me," Nico stood, wiping tears of mirth from his cheeks. You'd have thought a laughing fit like that would've added at least a little color to his cheeks. Screw that. He was still as pale as could be.

  Just then, Annabeth appeared next to me, breathless from running. 

  "Gods! What's-" She pointed at Nico, who shook his head and pointed at me. 

  Annabeth's expression was priceless; frozen between amusement and horror. 

  "Why?" She managed.

  "It was for Nico," I told her.

  Annabeth nodded, apparently I'd explained well enough. "Are you okay, Percy?"

  "What do you think?! I'm covered in glitter, glue, and I'm dangling from the roof. I'm wonderful," Percy said sarcastically. "Paris, I'm going to kill you," He said matter-of-factly. I smirked again. I couldn't help myself.  

  Annabeth drew her Celestial Bronze dagger from her sheath, which was buckled about her waist, and climbed up onto the nearest bunk bed. She reached out and sliced the rope fro which Percy was suspended.

  "AHHHHH!" He yelled. Thud. "Ouch," Percy groaned as he stood, rubbing his lower back.

  "Don't you look where you walk, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth dropped to the floor.

  "Er, not when I'm only half awake," Percy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, then pulled his glitter covered hand away and glared at it. His hair sparkled in the sunlight that flooded into the Poseidon cabin.

  "You're such a dweeb," Annabeth leaned into Percy, kissing him. 

  Nico rolled his eyes. I felt jealousy burn my insides.

  When they broke apart Annabeth had glitter on her lips.

  I pointed at my mouth and she got the hint.She rubbed the back of her hand across her lips, smiling slightly at the sparkles that were left behind.

  "So, you're going to kill me?" I asked Percy sweetly. 

  "Only if I can't get this glitter off," He ran a hand through his hair, perhaps trying to get some glitter out of it, but only succeeding in making it stick up strangely.

Dark and Light - Book 1 of the Dark and Light Trilogy - Nico di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now