Lending a Hand

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You yawned, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You eventually managed to get up and headed into the living room. The first thing you were met with was a shirtless Saitama with his hands around a chin up bar that was mounted between the door frame that led into the kitchen. His muscular form pulled him up effortlessly as perspiration rolled down his defined physique.

You were standing there for quite a bit until you realized you were openly gawking at the man. You looked away, a creeping warmth flushing its way onto your cheeks. You sighed whilst trying to calm yourself down. You then came up to Saitama.

"Mornin' (y/n)," He greeted, still going at the bar.

"What are you doing? What happened to your training regimen?" You asked.

"I need something more challenging and I thought this would help me," He answered. "But so far this has been a breeze."

"You're going for a thousand?"


You shook your head. "Alright, well can I pass so I can make my coffee please?"

"Oh yeah, sorry," He jumped off and gestured an arm to let you through. You curtsied with a laugh and went inside. You automatically started your daily ritual of bustling around the kitchen as Saitama went back to his chin ups.

You heated up the water and poured it into the coffee machine. Your gaze returned to the ripped man. "So do you wanna go to that sale you were talking about yesterday?" You questioned, not being able to keep your eyes away from his flexing back.

"Yeah, let me just finish these next 800," He replied, working diligently on his stride. You heard the ding of the coffee signaling that it was ready and grabbed a mug. As you poured the dark liquid, you got an idea that would be useful for the bald man. "Hey Saitama, you said you wanted a challenge?"

He turned his head in confusion but nodded. You took a big gulp of your coffee and set it near the edge of the counter. Then, you walked around Saitama to face him again. "Okay, stay right there," You said as you grabbed the bar and pulled yourself up just enough to get your feet off the ground. After that you wrapped your legs around Saitama's waist surprising him very badly.

"W-what are you doing!?"

"This is your challenge, 'Tama. Now let's see what you got," You smirked and let your weight completely fall on him. You saw his hand suddenly tighten on the bars. He gazed at you as if you were crazy, but you ignored it and pointed upwards. "Come on, give me 800 or else we'll be late for the sale."

He let out a laugh and shook his head. A smug look crossed his features and stared at the bar with an intense determination. He picked up his stride again only this time it actually looked like he was focusing.

After a few hundred chin ups, he broke out into a sweat. He had a twitch of annoyance in his eye as he kept raising himself up and down. He glanced over to you every now and then and saw the growing smirk on your lips. That was what kept him going. He wasn't going to give into that proud smile.

"You're....enjoying this....aren't you...?" He asked, evening his breath.

"Maybe," You giggled. "Hurry up, you got 200 more."

You heard him groan and muttered something about how he should drop you. You smacked his arm and urged him on. "Come on! You can do this Saitama, you're not gonna let me drag you down are you?" You raised an eyebrow.

"I'm regretting letting you help me."

"Hey can you pass me my coffee please?" You ignored his comment.

He rolled his eyes but let an arm slip off the bar to reach for the mug. The other was still lifting you to up which you applauded to. He truly was an incredible person. If he set his mind to something you believed he could do anything. Something you admired from the man.

He grabbed your cup and handed it to you. You thanked him and took a sip of the slightly cool coffee. You offered him some to which he gladly accepted. Tilting the mug to his lips, he took a big swig of the dark liquid.

You downed the rest of the drink and gave it back to him. He glared at you but put it back on the counter. You grinned at him, making him sigh. You glanced over to the clock on the microwave and saw that it was almost 10 o'clock.

"Saitama, you might want to hurry, it's almost ten," You warned.

A look of alarm crossed his features. "Noooo!! The sale starts at ten!" With this, he sped faster in his exercise. With risk of missing the event in mind, he forgot all about his exhaustion and blazed through the routine.

Saitama finished his last rep and glanced at you to let you get off. But you only stared back at him. "(y/n), you can get off now."

"One more."


"You heard me, one more."

"We're gonna miss the sale!!" He exclaimed.


He grumbled audibly and lifted you both up for the last time. "There, are you happy no-" His sentence was cut short when you pressed your lips to his. He took a moment to realize that this was really going on and soon melted into the kiss. Your lips moved in sweet sync with his. You cupped his cheeks and pulled him in closer to cherish his soft, warmth against yours. Unfortunately, you both had to let go of each other to breathe.

He stared at you in shock but you merely hopped off of him and entered into your room. "Let me change really quick so we can go," You called after him.

Saitama had finally let go of the bar and slumped to the floor out of breath. Whether it was from the workout or the kiss he didn't know.

You stuck half your body out of the room and saw him lying on the ground. "I hope you liked my reward, Saitama," You winked and disappeared again.

Oh he was definitely going to begin asking for more help in his exercises.

So what do you guys think? Should I continue writing these one shots?

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