Cold Feet and Thankful Kisses

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You were in the kitchen at Saitama's house tapping your foot in boredom as you waited for the popcorn in the microwave. You both decided to celebrate Thanksgiving the only way you knew how to: Watching movies and pigging out till the ass crack of dawn. Neither of you had families to spend this holiday with and were glad to keep each other company this year.

"(y/n)! The popcorn ready yet?" Saitama called from somewhere in the house.

You glanced at the microwave. "Yeah, in a few more seconds."

You both didn't really know how to make anything big or extravagant so the next best thing there was were store bought goods. Now, the kitchen counters were piled up with cupcakes, cheetos, popcorn bags, hot chocolate packets, and just about any other kind of junk food you could imagine.

Once the microwave beeped, you poured out the popcorn into a huge bowl and carried it over to the living room. "Hey Saitama, where did Genos go?" You questioned as you sat down next to him.

"Oh he's spending Thanksgiving with Dr. Kuseno since the old man is usually alone and he wanted to make it up to him since Genos is always in need of repair after big fights," He replied as he reached into your bowl and stole some of the golden food. "Oh yeah and bad news, I only have one blanket so we're gonna have to share."

"Alright, just move your butt," You said, extending yourself on the opposite end of the couch while Saitama took the other. "So what are we watching first?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, what do you want to watch?"

You skimmed through the selection of DVDs that were sprawled out on the coffe table. There were a lot of action ones but you weren't really in the mood for that genre......maybe a comedy? Nah, that would be better after a horror movie. But you didn't feel like watching one of those either.....

Then you spotted it.

"Saitama," You announced suddenly. "I know what we're going to watch today."

"What?" He asked.

"He's Just Not That Into You."


"We are watching this movie!" You said, holding up the box excitedly.

"But that's a romance movie....." Saitama complained.

"It's a romantic comedy, in the end we get the best of both worlds."

"But (y/n)......"

"Please?" You pulled your saddest puppy dog eyes on him making Saitama groan angrily. He finally sighed and gave in. "Fine, just put it on."

"Yay!" You smiled brightly and got out of your seat to slip the disk into the DVD player. You grabbed the remote controls on your way back.

During the advertisements for other movies soon to be in theaters or already on DVD, you wondered about what Saitama was going to do the next day. You knew about his love for sales so you expected him to jump on the idea of an all out day of sales on Black Friday. "Are you going shopping tomorrow Saitama?"

He turned to you as quiet as the grave, then burst out laughing. "What the hell? No!!"

You frowned, confused as to why he reacted this way. "Why not?"

"Look, (y/n), I love when things are cheap in stores but I don't have the patience for that shit," He continued to chuckle. "I'd probably end up punching someone in the face."

The thought of Saitama getting violent in a supermarket made you realize that his reason was justified. You nodded in agreement. "You make a compelling argument."

After that, you skipped over all the commercials and went straight to the main menu and played the movie. You had seen it before once so having another time to reminisce over some of the scenes was fun. But there was one problem............

Saitama did not stop commented on everything.

"Why do they make guys seem like such assholes in this movie?"

"A guy would never do that."

"What a dick."

"She's so hot, why would he leave her for somebody else?"

"Hahaha, that was fake as fuck."

"That would never happen in real life."

"That girl is pretty desperate."

Needless to say, you were getting sick and tired of it. On another one of his mini rants you decided to get back at him. You thought about throwing the bowl of popcorn at his head you didn't want to sacrifice your popcorn. Instead, you went with something even eviler.

While he was distracted, you slid your ice cold feet onto his thigh making him jump up in surprise. "Holy fuck! Your feet are cold! Get off!"

"Then shut up and let me watch the movie!"

Saitama finally toned down his commentary after that, but whenever he said something that irritated you, you struck him with your frozen feet. He got the message afterwards.

Near the end of the movie, you started to realize that you were really getting cold. It wasn't just that you were punishing Saitama with your iciness you were also trying to steal some of his warmth. After a few more minutes of shivering, you tried to sneak in a foot by his leg.

Saitama instantly felt the chill and pulled away. "What! I didn't say anything!"

"I know....." You muttered in embarrassment. "I'm just kind cold....."

Saitama stared at you for a little before sighing and leaning back on the couch. "If I can warm you up, do you promise to keep your cold ass feet away from me?"

You blinked. "What?"

"Nevermind, just get over here."

You crawled over his side of the couch as he brought you into his nice and toasty embrace. In a matter of seconds, you felt incredibly bathed in warmth. You snuggled closer to him and rested your head on his chest poked him to gain his attention.

Saitama glanced down just as you captured his lips with yours. He savored the sensation of soft, delicate lips. You did your best to express your love into the kiss and smiled gently. Saitama was about to deepen the kiss when you suddenly pulled away and sighed contently.

"Thank you, Saitama."

He was a little disappointed that you didn't turn the kiss into a full on make-out session, but that feeling was replaced when he saw your eyes start to flutter shut. He smiled and brought you in closer to him. "Sure thing."

Thank you all so much for reading this book!!! ^0^ Really, you guys are amazing!!!

And for you Sonic lovers, the book is out! Check it out if you'd like :)

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