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Saitama picked up the bruised banana and inspected it carefully. It still seemed fresh despite its appearance. He was about to drop a few into his basket when he heard a hissed whisper.


He glanced around and found a (h/c) haired girl looking up at him. The glimmering shade of her eyes startled him although he didn't show it. "Um, yes?"

"The fruit at the store across the street are cheaper today. And they look a hell of a lot better than these," You informed discreetly.

"Huh, really?"

"Yup," You nodded. "I thought you'd want to know."

With that, you walked away from him, leaving him to wonder who the cute (e/c) eyed girl was. It was strange for him since hardly anyone ever talked to him when he was out. He only did what he needed to, no other distractions. But this woman was out of the ordinary, or at least his ordinary.


Saitama blinked and turned to Genos. "Oh, hey, you got the vegetables?"

"Yes, but Sensei, who was that woman?" The cyborg asked.

Saitama cast a glance back at you as you started down on of the aisles. "I don't know." He noticed how you got a small frown on your face while you inspected the shelves for whatever you were trying to find. Saitama didn't realize he was smiling until Genos gave him a weird look.

"Are you alright, Sensei?"

"Yeah, yeah, totally," Saitama recovered from his initial distraction. "You ready to go?"


Saitama guessed that the cyborg wouldn't let this go so easily and was proven correct when they were just exiting the store. "Sensei?"


"Assuming from what you've stated before, you are heterosexual, yes?"

"Uh, yeah...."

"And I saw you looking at that woman with a rather intense gaze..."

"Intense!? What the hell!?" Saitama yelled, flustered.

But Genos was unfazed by his behavior. "Does that mean you find her attractive?"

"What kind of questions are you asking!? I-I mean, yeah sure she's cute, but what does that have to do with anything?" Saitama quickly tried to simmer the subject down.

"I could ask her if she's seeing anybody for you—"

"No, Genos, stop that!!"

"But your sexual activity could correlate to your hair loss—"



A Few Days Later

Yogurt, yogurt, yogurt.... You were skimming the dairy products trying to find the specific brand that was on sale, but were having no such luck. Aw, am I too late?

You pouted sadly and shoved along. You were about to turn the corner when you spotted item you had been searching for. You immediately rushed forward and tried to grab it, but you accidentally brushed hands with someone, making you retract. You glanced up to the person and remembered seeing them before.

"Hey, you're that guy from the other day," You spoke your mind.

The bald man seemed flattered that you recalled him and gave you a small smile. "Uh, yeah, I'm Saitama."

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