Sex Appeal Part 1

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If you are uncomfortable with sexual situations then don't read

Saitama walked back to his apartment after a tiring days work. Well, not so much tiring, more like annoying. There were hordes of monsters out and it took him nearly an hour to chase them all down. He was frustrated and bored with the same lacking results as the previous day.

Saitama was still stressing out about these thoughts when he waltzed into his home. "(y/n), I'm—" He stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

Standing in the kitchen, wearing only some tiny shorts, a tight fitting shirt, and an apron, was you. You had your hair tied back into a ponytail exposing your slender neck and elegant collarbones. You were mixing a bowl of something in your hands when you finally noticed him gawking at you.

"Oh hey Saitama," You greeted with a smile. You went up to him and kissed him on the cheek before going back to what you were doing. "How was the hero work?"

It took him a moment to recover from the shock of your essence. "Uh.... It was good...."

You hummed to some random tuned as you poured the chocolate batter into a pan. "Oh really? Were there any tough monsters?"

", not really...." Saitama said unsurely as you bent down to stick the pan into the oven. He couldn't help but notice how tightly your shorts straddled your ass and even gave more than a little seductive incentive.

After unintentionally curving your behind while you got up, you sat at the edge of the counter and crossed your legs. You smiled at Saitama but he was entranced by your smooth legs and how well they complimented your figure. "What's wrong, Saitama?" You asked.

His face turned red at the long pause he took before answering you. "Uh, um, I-I have to go. I-I'll see you later." Saitama ran out of the apartment, not being able to withstand the heat of your beauty.


You and Saitama were sleeping on his futon late that night. You were already knocked out by his side while he was having trouble doing the same. He turned on his side and rested his head with yours as he tried to doze off. He suddenly felt a shift from your side and realized that you gotten closer to him.

His eyes opened and came face to face with your breasts. Saitama's head was slightly tilted downwards so he got a full 3D view of the sight. You were sound asleep while your chest was practically shoved into Saitama's face. He gulped nervously as he gazed longingly at your delicate curvy body.

Saitama mustered as much strength as he could not to get 'too excited' by the view but ultimately failed when his brain decided to recall your lovely round ass you had displayed that afternoon. He felt his 'failure' began to grow, firmly pressing against his pants. His cheeks turned ruby red at the embarrassingly anxious situation he was in.

He eventually just couldn't ignore the feeling and your incredible body and shot up from the bed to relieve himself the bathroom. After finishing his business, he came back to the room to find you in an even sexier position than the one before.

You laid on the futon with your rear slightly prompted in the air, your spaghetti straps clung loosely at your shoulders, and your hair was in a sensual disarray. Saitama's jaw tightened as he stared at your incredible form lying so achingly close to him. He didn't know how much restraint he had and decided not to test it. This was one task he could not solve with that kind of strength.

He took one of the pillows on the futon, grabbed a blanket, and went to sleep on the couch. There he found that sleep was going to be a lot harder now that your image was engraved in his mind.

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