Happy Mornings

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You were sound asleep in your husband's warm embrace, rhythmically moving to his light snores when you felt a tickling on your foot. Your eyebrows furrowed in discomfort as you nudged Saitama for him to stop. He didn't show any sign of acknowledgement and brought you closer into his chest. You welcomed the natural heat of his shirtless body and smiled to yourself. Maybe you were just imagining things.

But then there was the tingle on your foot again.

You shooed whatever the sensation and tried to go back to sleep. You nestled your head under Saitama's chin and sighed softly.

But it was back.

You tightened your jaw in agitation and kicked Saitama under the sheets. You got a groan in response and slight pout from him, but he didn't open his eyes. "Hm?"

"Stop it."


"Stop tickling my foot."

Saitama looked down at you in confusion. "I'm not."

"You liar."

Saitama gazed down at the edge of the bed but spotted nothing. "You're crazy, go to sleep."

"That's what I'm trying to do."

"Well, so was I."

You hummed a haughty reply but let him snuggle you so that you two were just centimeters apart. He sighed and threw the covers over your heads to block out the light coming from the window.

After a few silent minutes, you were finally starting to doze back to the land of sleep. Just as you were getting comfortable, Saitama's foot knocked into yours jolting you awake.

"What?" You said exasperated.

"I wasn't tickling your foot before so stop doing it to mine."

"But I'm not doing anything," You answered honestly.

"Then what the hell is that..." He flipped the covers off of you two, making you shiver as your heat source left for the edge of the bed. Saitama looked down at the floor in question, then stooped down to check out underneath. You heard Saitama gasp. "You little...!"

He came back up dangling a small child by the shirt. "Urawa!" You exclaimed. "You're awake?"

"Hi, mom!" He smiled extra big.

"I found our wake up call," Saitama said, taking the feather from Urawa's hands. "Just what were you doing?"

"I got hungry..." Urawa mumbled. "And you two were asleep...."

You glanced over to the clock on the bedside and sighed. "It is getting pretty late, we should get up."

Urawa's face brightened up. "I want pancakes!"

"And bacon," Saitama added.

"Alright," You said, slipping on your shoes. "Let's brush our teeth first."


After getting cleaned up and looking as presentable as you could for the morning, you three went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Saitama pulled out the ingredients from the shelves while you rummaged through the fridge for the rest. Urawa watched you two as you wandered around the kitchen.

When you got out the bowl to start mixing, your phone sounded from the living room. "I'll get it!" Urawa said as he dashed off.

Saitama shook his head with a smile. "You know, he's a lot like you."

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