I Can't Lose You

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You spit a hefty amount of blood onto the pavement and cleared your throat of any more. It splattered on the ground as the over-sized dog monster stalked towards you growling and baring its canines. You wiped your mouth and raised your arms up in defense.

You had been fighting this beast for a while now and your whole body was trembling from exhaustion. But it was pretty weak as well. Just a few more hits and it would be done with.

You ran to the side of a building sprinted on it, giving you a boost as you kicked the dog in its face with your super strength. It crashed into the opposite building with a whimper, but it quickly brushed itself off and got back on all fours.

It snapped its jaws as you as you leapt off the ground to evade. Unfortunately, it wasn't high enough. The monster huge teeth sunk into your ankle making you scream as it viciously shook you around like rag doll. You felt your muscle tissue ripping the more it kept you in its grasp.

It eventually lost interest and tossed your injured body to the side. You gave up on trying to catching yourself with a wounded foot and let yourself fall.

Only you didn't. Your eyesight was blinded by bright yellow as your stomach made contact with something and you let out a small 'oof!'.

"Oi, you okay?"

"Saitama?" You groaned as you glanced over to the bald man's bright head.

"Let me take care of this."

Your expression changed from confusion to annoyance. He had been doing this for a while now. He had been taking your monsters and enemies and demolishing them before your eyes. Any and every enemy you encountered was being decimated by the Caped Baldy. You hadn't been able to defeat any of them before Saitama showed up and ended them for you. You were getting exceedingly annoyed by this. He may be your boyfriend but you could fight your own battles thank you very much.

"No! Don't you—"

Too late. The dog was obliterated in a punch.

"Saitama!" You shrieked in anger.

"What!?" He sighed, exasperated.

You let out an annoyed sigh and pushed yourself off his shoulder you had landed on. "Ugh, I'm done!" You shut your jaw down tightly when you pressed onto your injured ankle. Nevertheless, you kept walking away from Saitama.

"H-hey! Where are you going?"

"Away from you!" You called back.

"Why? What'd I do??" He questioned in confusion. He noticed your limp as you trudged along the pavement. "(y/n), you're hurt."

"Yeah, so?"

"Let me—"

You abruptly turned around to ward him off but ended up twisting your ankle and tripping. A short scream escaped your throat as Saitama caught you by your forearms. "Hey, don't put so much weight on that. Here, I'll carry you."

"No! I don't need your help."

"Quit being stubborn," Saitama said.

"Quit stealing my kills!" You retorted.

"Your what?"

"Anytime I'm fighting a villain, you show up and defeat them! I'm getting tired of being shown up, Saitama. Find your own enemies," You glared at him.

"What? I'm defeating them, isn't that good?" Saitama asked incredulously.

"Yes, but I'm in the middle of doing that. I don't need you intervening in my fights," You argued.

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