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"Genos! What the hell did you do!?" Saitama questioned as he watched you writhe in pain holding your wrist.

"I didn't do anything Sensei."

"Then why the hell is (y/n)'s hand broken!?"



You and Genos sat one lazy afternoon flipping through the TV channels bored out of your minds. There were no monsters to fight or villains to defeat, everything was pretty quiet.

"Genooooos, I'm booooored," You whined.

"I know. You've been saying this for the past hour."

"But stiiiilllll." You huffed and threw yourself on the couch. "Where's Saitama?"

"As a C-Class hero, he has to stop crimes every week or else he'll be taken off the registry. So I'm assuming that's what Sensei is doing."

You hummed thoughtfully. Maybe you should've gone out with him that morning. It might've been better than staying home with the cyborg. "When's he coming home?"

"I don't know. He didn't say," Genos responded.

You frowned to yourself, not liking the strange feeling that coursed through you at that second. It was mixture of longing and emptiness, something that made you feel queasy. But instead of lumbering on the sensation, you decided to steer the conversation somewhere interesting. "Hey Genos, have you ever liked anyone?"

The cyborg turned to you with a crease in his brow. "Why?"

"I don't know, just askin'."

"Well," He began. "I don't have anyone I 'like' right now. I don't see the necessity and it would only put them in danger by being with me."

You sighed and crossed your arms. "Well, aren't you just a ball of sunshine?"

"What about you?" He said abruptly. "I'm assuming this question arose because you're dwelling on the subject."

"Me!?" You exclaimed. "I-I don't what you're talking about! I just wanted to ask you something!"

"Let me take a guess," He mused. You glared at him as he analyzed your features. Within a few minutes, he nodded to himself. "I am 99.9% sure I know who you like."

You laughed. "Oh damn, that sure?"

"Assuming you are heterosexual, and subtracting all the minor males in your life, you're left with three possible candidates."

"And they are....?" You inquired, disinterested.

"In order of most likely to least, Sensei, Sonic, and me."

"You!? Why did you count yourself?"

"Well, that leaves me out. So then, who is it?" He questioned with a smirk. "Sensei or Sonic?"

"I thought you said you already knew who I liked," You pouted angrily.

"I have my guess, but I want to know the truth. Who is it?"

"I....." You settled into silence. You didn't want to admit to Genos in fear of him teasing you about it later. You knew very well who you liked. The caped baldy had managed to ensnare you with his dorky habits and his funny personality. Truth be told, you thought that your feelings may even go beyond 'like'.

"You know who," You finally mumbled.

"Is it Sensei?"


A triumphant grin spread across Genos's face. "I thought so. Then, why don't you tell him this?"

"Because you don't just tell one of your best friends you like him! It's so unexpected!" You defended.

Genos was suddenly quiet. "You can't be serious right?"


"That's your reason?"


"I don't believe you," He stated firmly.

"Then what the hell do you think my reason is!?"

"You don't want to be rejected. You're scared that if you even put out a single emotion towards him it'll ruin both you and him. It'll destroy a friendship you value more than anything else in the world. And if that is taken away from you, you won't be able to be as close to Sensei as you were before. And you can't bear to think of that. You're distancing yourself to be close enough so that he won't notice how you feel. You've trapped yourself in this cage in order to keep your feelings at bay. To be blunt, you're a coward. Admit it, (y/n), you're afraid, oh so terrifyingly afraid."

You stared at him blankly, and then the next thing you knew your fist was sailing towards his face.


"Owwwwww! Son of a bitch!"


Present Time

You sighed, knowing very well who was to blame for your current circumstance. You put your good hand on Saitama's shoulder to calm him down. "Hey I'm fine, really, besides this is kinda my fault. Don't yell at Genos."

"(y/n), I came back to find you rolling on the floor in pain because you broke your bones, what the hell happened?" Saitama asked.

"Nothing," You answered, receiving a knowing glance from Genos. You opened your mouth to say something else but you decided against it and instead walked out of the living room. You made beeline for the bathroom and commenced rummaging through the cabinet for some gauze to wrap up your hand. Once you found it, you tried cover yourself up with much difficulty.

As you messily did so, tears started pricking around the corners of your eyes. He was right. He was so stupidly right. And it took Genos of all people to make you realize this. You loved Saitama but you were sacrificing your emotions for the sake of your friendship. You didn't want to lose him to your feelings.

In the midst of your struggle, you heard a quiet knock on the door. You turned and saw Saitama standing there. He was taken aback when he saw the tears rolling down your face but didn't say anything. "Let me help you." He took your hand, and as gently as he could, began wrapping it up. "So, uh, why are you crying?"

You inhaled deeply and let it go. "I realized something......and I hate it so much."

"What is it?" He questioned.

You glanced to him. You don't know if it was a spur of the moment kind of thing or if it was simply courage but you answered him. "I love someone, and I can't tell them."

Saitama stiffened upon hearing these words, but he forced himself to speak. "Who?"

You suddenly put your other hand on his to stop him from bandaging. "What if......what if I told you it was you?"

His cheeks tinged pink. "I, I would probably kiss you right now."

You took a small step forward. "Then kiss me."


"Kiss me, Saitama," You ordered.

His face got redder but he nodded. Slowly, he leaned his lips onto yours. He was hesitant at first but once your mouth started moving he threw all caution to the wind. The warmth of your lips enveloped his as you carefully put your arms around his neck. His hands traveled to the small of your back and pulled you in closer. It felt like a life time of passionate sync until you both had to break apart.

Saitama was gazing softly at you as a huge blush warmed up your cheeks. He smiled to himself liking this cute side of you. He sighed and rested his forehead on yours.

"I love you too, (y/n)."

The fear in your heart melted away and comfort took home instead. "I love you, Saitama."

I hope you guys enjoyed it! ^0^

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