Ultimatum Part 1

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"Saitama, we need to talk," You said one late night.

The hero quickly reviewed all he had done this week but nothing came to mind of anything that could've upset you and you looked especially upset right then. "What's up?"

Saitama didn't register his concern as he saw you slightly trembling while facing him. "I...I want to leave."

".....like go outside?"

"No, not like that," You chuckled half heartedly. "I-I mean, I don't want be here anymore. I think we should break up."

"What?" The bald man wasn't sure he heard you right.

"I'm breaking up with you," You repeated weakly.


By now the hero was on his feet and standing in front of you. But you stepped back every time he got too close. "I just can't be here anymore, Saitama. I'm sorry." You wouldn't meet his gaze but wandered to the bags that rested against the wall beside you.

Once Saitama saw them, he felt his heart stop. "You've already made up your mind?" He swallowed down his emotions.


But he couldn't help asking again. "Why?"

However, you only shook your head. "I'm sorry."

"(y/n), I don't understand. Everything was going so well, what did I do wrong?" Saitama questioned. Despite you shying away from him, he gently captured your shoulders to make you look at him.

You hesitantly lifted your head and saw the heartbreak in his eyes. "I'm sorry." That's all you could utter as tears began to fall from your eyes. "I just don't want to be in a relationship that hardly ever expresses feelings." You knew this was harsh to say but you had to do it.

Saitama almost laughed in disbelief. "What is that supposed to mean? Does this mean anything to you?" His hand slid down your arm and picked up the hand bearing a simple silver ring. "I asked you to marry me because I love you (y/n). Does that mean anything at all to you?"

"I feel constricted," You stammered out. "I-I can't live in this house. I can't breathe. I-I just...I just can't."

"(y/n), what is this about?" Saitama furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you.

"Leave me alone. I've made my decision." You turned your face as his hand reached to cup your cheek.

"There's something you're not telling me." The hero watched as you stiffened then gazed at him angrily. Your face was stricken with tears.

"You're right, there isn't." You roughly shoved him off of you and removed the silver band from your ring finger. "I don't love you. Not anymore, and I can't stand to keep playing this fake act." You took his hand and placed the object into the palm. "Buy yourself something nice because I don't want this ring."

You took up your bags and stormed out of the apartment leaving a stunned Saitama in your stead. He glanced between the doorway you just walked through and the ring. Suddenly, something wet rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away and gazed at it as more came.

This was the first time in years that he was hurt so badly.


"Damn it!" You yelled as tears blurred your vision off the road. You blinked them away but some strayed from your eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry, Saitama," You sniffed with trembling lips. "I'm so so sorry...."

It was a miracle how you got to the hospital without crashing. You practically stumbled in there and rode the elevator up to the seventh floor. You wandered around the hall until you found the room you were looking for.

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