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WARNING: Lemony Fresh

Saitama was never the teaching type. Hell, he had to bullshit his way through giving a cyborg lessons in how to become stronger. But despite that inability, Saitama tried and he tried his best.

However, he was thoroughly surprised when a young girl with (h/c) hair also asked him to teach her.

"Ah, well I don't know..." The bald man muttered. "I already have another student..."

"I know, and I don't want to be a burden but I really want you to help me get stronger," You begged. "Please! I would be so grateful!"

Saitama sighed silently. In retrospect, you would be a better student to teach than a cyborg who wanted physical strength from a training regimen that would be of no use to him whatsoever. Then again he didn't want to go through so much trouble....

But one look at those big doe-like eyes and he couldn't refuse.

In your times of training together, you both grew rather close. Not only because you could share the hardships of Saitama's training, but because the hero genuinely enjoyed your company. Often times after working out, you guys would head back to his apartment and indulge in an afternoon of videogames (after going to your respective homes for a shower of course).

Saitama seemed a lot cheery ever since then and would constantly be going out to meet up with you. Even Genos noticed the change in his attitude. But the bald man didn't think much of it. He thought that you two were just really good friends that shared the same aspirations.

This is what he used to think.

It wasn't until recently that he finally came to the realization of his feelings. He noticed the way you beamed in amazement when you saw him make some incredible feat. He noticed how you would linger on his every word in conversations and how a smile would spread across your face when you found something humorous. Or how you looked so adorable when you would fall asleep over at his house after a long day of training. He felt his heart beat faster whenever you gave him long hugs of gratitude and the way you thanked him every day for devoting his time to help you reach your goal of becoming a strong hero.

Saitama loved all those little things about you. But there was one habit that drove home all of his emotions. One single act that could send him into fits of blushing madness. And that was—


The bald man was jolted away from his thoughts by the girl clinging to shirt. He glanced down at her and nearly went bug-eyed when he saw the girl's cleavage fully exposed to him.

"(y-y/n)-chan!? What are you doing?" He sputtered and quickly backed off.

"I was calling you and you weren't answering. Are you okay?" You said as you pressed the back of your hand to his forehead, but Saitama brushed it away.

"I'm fine....just lost in thought."

"What were you thinking about, Sensei?"

There it was again. Sure, he had heard Genos call him that millions of times, but it wasn't the same when you did it. There was a different tone in your voice and your lips slightly pouted whenever you addressed him. Every time Saitama heard you speak to him as such he had the urge to crash his lips into yours. His mind also wandered towards thoughts of raising your tone by making you scream his name.

Saitama blushed darkly at the images racing through his head. What was he thinking!? You were his student, it was wrong and unprofessional for him to be thinking of you in such ways. Or in such positions....

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