Ultimatum Part 2

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Saitama wasn't alarmed by the shout that rang out along with the slam of a door. He didn't even look up when the cyborg came running into the living room.


Saitama let out a sigh and sunk further into his futon leaving him staring at the ceiling. The ring felt like lead in his hands yet he didn't dare let go of it. "What?"

"It's about (y/n)."

The hero groaned quietly and shut his eyes. "What about her?"

"I saw her in the hospital."

Saitama's eyes immediately shot open and he sat up in jolt. "What!?"

"She isn't injured but I think she might be in danger," Genos explained.

"What are you talking about? When did you see her in the hospital?" Saitama questioned, thoroughly confused.

"Right now! We have to go," Genos urged.

"Why is she in danger?"

"I saw her with someone....judging by her composure and blatant lies, she didn't want to be alone with this person."

"Who?" Saitama asked, feeling a twinge of angry jealousy creeping up on him.

"I don't know, but I don't think he's a friend of hers."

'He. So it's a he,' Saitama repeated in his mind.

Something was off. Why would you be confronted by someone in a hospital after you had just broken up with him?

"Genos, how was (y/n) acting? Tell me everything that happened."

After a briefing Saitama up on the situation, the bald man was left even more perplexed. He was now pacing back and forth in the living room. "Did someone make her do this? Why were you scared (y/n)?" Saitama mumbled to himself.

"Make her do what?" Genos inquired.

Saitama glanced down at his open palm where the glittering ring rested. "She.....she left me."


"I don't know," He exhaled in frustration. "She just came up to me and started making these excuses until she said...." Saitama cut himself off there; tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"What, Sensei?"

"She said....she didn't love me anymore and left.....She took off the ring and just left...." Saitama gulped anxiously. "But there was something wrong. She wouldn't tell me what it was. Maybe this guy has something to do with it."

"Do you think they might still be at the hospital now?" Saitama asked.

"It's possible." Genos nodded.

"Alright, stay here. I'm going to get her back."


"Get off me!" You yelled, pushing the tall, muscular man away from you. You had your hands in between you two as you Garou nipped at your neck. The sensation of his lips on your skin was absolutely revolting.

"Stop fighting me, (y/n). There's nothing you can do now," He muttered, gripping your arms tighter.

"Please, Garou, let me go," You begged, pushing his hands away when they tried to roam your body. You glanced around for anything that could help you and found a lamp next to Kaila's bedside. You made a grab for it and smashed the vase part of it into Garou's head stunning him enough for him to release you.

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