Sex Appeal Part 2

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Here yu go, yu horny children! :P

This is a LEMON

(Play the song in the media box if you'd like :) )

Saitama captured your lips once again with his as he scooped up your legs and carried you off to his bedroom. When he was there, he lazily shut the door with his foot and proceeded towards the bed.

You were taken by surprise when he carefully flung you onto the bed on your stomach. You made to flip around but were instantly attacked by Saitama's kisses on you lower back. His hands traveled up your sides and came up to your breasts, squeezing them playfully. The entire way, he had been leaving a trail of heated kisses up to your shoulder.

Saitama pushed your hair out of the way so he could begin bruise your neck with his love bites. You whimpered in pleasure, feeling helpless beneath his form. You were softly mewling under his touch when you noticed one of his hands left your breast and was undoing the clip in between them. You were wondering how he knew where it was while he finally unclasped it.

He tore the fabric away from your body and turned you around so that you were now facing him. You knew very well what he wanted to see and decided not to give him that satisfaction just yet.

Using as much as you could, you overpowered his figure and forced him down onto his back. He was surprised by your actions but wasn't disappointed when you came down to the hem of his shirt. You pushed the clothing out of the way and left delicate kisses on his bare stomach.

Saitama always wore unfitting shirts so you couldn't really tell that he was actually ripped with a hot muscular body. But when he walked around the apartment shirtless from time to time you'd be damned if you didn't double take.

He groaned in anticipation as you teased him with your soft lips on the indentations of his abs. You slipped your fingers into the edges of his sweat pants and pulled them down just enough to get them to his knees. Your lips never left his rippling muscles as you did this.

After you got his shirt up to his chest, he understood that you wanted the garment off. He threw the shirt over his head as you licked his jaw line tenderly and started nibbling on his neck. While you were preoccupied with that, Saitama hot hands massaged your bust, running his thumbs over your sensitive nipples.

You hummed excitedly as Saitama pinched your buds and moaned your name in your ear while you found his sweet spot on his neck. You sucked hard on the skin, biting it, earning a loud groan from the bald man. You were about to increase your intensity when he suddenly turned you over, caging you in his arms.

He caught your lips once again, vigorously attacking them. As he did this, his hand slid down your stomach to the lining of your panties. But he didn't stop there. His fingers curved down to your womanhood, playfully rubbing your clit. You gasped at his touch but were soon overwhelmed with a string of moans that were trying to escape your mouth. Saitama slipped one digit into your entrance, then another, then another.

Your walls tightened around his fingers as he began to slowly pump them in and out. You whimpered out little moans of pleasure while Saitama enjoyed seeing your squirming body beneath him.

"P-please Saitama..." You mewled, needing him inside you.

"Not yet," He replied with smirk as he pulled his fingers and put them to your lips. You blushed in embarrassment but stuck his digits in your mouth and sucked them clean. Somehow, that turned Saitama on even more as he felt his erection grow harder at the sight.

You noticed the large bump rubbing against your thigh and chose to do something very brave at that moment.

You cupped his erection and massaged it softly getting a low pleasured growl from Saitama. "(y-y/n)..." His warning wavered.

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