Save Me

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Saitama walked out of his room that morning and his first instinct was to head straight for the kitchen. But instead of finding your form dancing around the counters and making breakfast, he saw Genos grabbing a bowl and some cereal. The cyborg noticed Saitama's appearance and greeted him. "Good morning, Sensei."

"Where's (y/n)?" The bald man asked.

"She went out."


"With Sonic," Genos answered.

"What!? Why with Sonic!?" Saitama blurted out.

"(y/n) said that he asked her out on a date today so she has to go."

"B-but why with him!?" He questioned, still not getting over his initial shock.

"She didn't say that, but she did tell me where she was going. Do you want the address, Sensei?"

Saitama rubbed his neck. "Uh.....sure......."

He quickly threw something on while Genos wrote the address on a scrap of paper. He respected your decisions and all but he couldn't stand the idea of you with one of his enemies. Or with anyone really. No one but him. Yeah, that sounded about right.

Saitama snatched the paper from Genos's hand and ran out of the apartment with only one thought on his mind:

Find (y/n) and get her the hell away from Sonic.


"Hello (y/n)-chan~," Sonic smiled slyly as you sat across from him at an outdoor restaurant. You wore loose white sundress and minimal effort makeup. But the fancy wear wasn't enough to mask the anger on your face. "I'm here, now what do you want Sonic?"

"I want you to enjoy an evening with me," He replied.

"And you promised to leave Saitama alone?"

The only reason you accepted Sonic's date request was because he swore that if you allowed him to spend time with you, he would stop challenging Saitama every other day. You knew that the constant interruptions irritated Saitama to no end and jumped at the chance to end it. Unfortunately, it left you with an overly flirty Sonic.

"We'll see about that later," He said, leaning forward on the table.

"No, you said you would leave him alone if I agreed to this and now you're backing out?" You made a move to get up. "In that case I'm getting out of here."

"Wait, wait, wait!" He exclaimed, grabbing your hand. "Okay, I know what I said, but I'm prepared to offer you an even better deal."

You raised a brow, but sat back down. "I'm listening."

"I will cease to confront Saitama for good, I will completely erase myself from his sights......on one condition."

"And that is?"

"Be my girlfriend."

Your eyes went wide. "What?"

"(y/n), I have liked you for a while now, but you never spare me a thought. You're always with Saitama, and......I just really hate that. I promise you, I will drop chasing him if you do me the honor of being my girlfriend."

You didn't know what to say. Sonic looked so sincere saying this, you knew for sure he couldn't be lying about it. But you still couldn't lie to your heart. You knew that you liked, maybe even loved, Saitama. Were you really capable of abandoning all chances with him to see him live freely?

You surprised yourself by how willingly you were ready to accept. You wanted Saitama to lead the life he wanted with no one interceding him, but in order for that to happen you had to watch it from the sidelines instead of by his side. Your chest ached at the thought of living without him. However, if you wanted him to have the best you would have to sacrifice your love.

"A-alright," You tried to keep your voice steady and calculated. "I agree to your terms."

"Really?" Sonic glanced up, happiness shining in his eyes. "Are you serious?"

"Yes." No

Sonic extended his hand. "Then let's seal the deal."

You watched his hand snake over to you as if ready to pounce. This was going to break all you ever hoped to pieces. But you felt compelled to do this for Saitama. He had saved you countless of time, the least you could do was solve this one problem for him.

You reached out, reluctant to be whisked away by fate.

You felt Sonic's fingers gently rest on your cheek, bringing you in closer. His lips pressed themselves against yours softly.

Just as they began to move, he went crashing into the inner restaurant. Your head whipped to the side to see a furious looking Saitama with his fist directed where Sonic was just flung to. He looked angry beyond compare.

His eyes flicked over to yours and within seconds the rage from his glare disappeared. Saitama's cheeks were tinted pink as he really saw you for the first time. He had never seen you so dolled up. He had to admit he loved the look you wore right then but he didn't care much for it. It was you that made everything look amazing.

The dress flowed with the wind giving you an almost angelic glow that matched the expression on your face. "Saitama?"

God, even the sound of your voice gave him life. "(y/n), are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, but what are you doing here?"


That's when he realized he didn't think this thing through. But he was ecstatic that he punched that bastard away from you before anything could go any further. "I thought you were in trouble."

A soft blush warmed up your face. Well, you were in trouble. You sighed and shook your head with a smile. "Thank you, Saitama. You always save me in the nick of time."

You wrapped your arms around him and thanked the universe for giving you this guardian angel. Saitama hugged you back, enveloping himself in your sweet scent. You kissed his cheek making his face blush red.

"I guess it's true. The hero always gets the girl," You murmured softly in his ear.

Okay, so  some of my thoughts as of right now. What do you guys think of a Sonic x reader book? I might be overwhelming myself so this is what I'm thinking to balance myself. If I do write it, I'll juggle it with this book. Meaning every other Saturday I will be updating each book. I'm sorry I just got those Sonic feels.

Anywho, I hope you guys liked this chapter! ^0^ 

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