Chapter 9: Losing a Friend

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Tom's POV:

My head spun around to see the source of the voice, and my spirits instantly soared. A smile broke out on my face as a million thoughts swam through my mind.

It was Jordan.

"Sparklez!" I exclaimed, running straight towards my old friend to greet him. But something was off about him. He seemed agitated, and instead of Ianite's Rapier in hand, he had a short kitchen knife. But one other thing made my stomach do a complete flip flop. Instead of sky blue eyes glaring at me, they were a blinding white. What had happened to him?

"Sparklez?" I questioned, fear lining my voice. Without showing any emotion, he raised the knife in hand and pointed it at my chest, causing me to stumble back a few steps.

"Tom Syndicate?" he asked in a low voice. My eyes widened.

"Yes! It's me, Tom! You're best buddy, Tom!" I cried. My mind had turned completely numb. What was he doing? Was he even thinking for himself? Instead of dropping the knife, Jordan only took a few steps closer to me.

"G-Guys?" I whispered shakily.

"Yeah?" Tucker questioned softly.

"Help me!"

"Oh, right."

Andor drew his boomerang, Martha a purple dagger, Tucker his blood magic sword, Sonja her rapier, and Wag his spell book. They moved forward and stepped next to me, causing Jordan to take a short step backwards and away from us.

"We have to hurt him!" Sonja whispered.

"No! He's our friend!" Andor breathed.

"Then what are we going to do?" Wag asked, annoyed. 

"I don't know!" I shot back.

"There's your problem." Martha responded. I sent a glare her way, while Sparklez just continued to stare at us awkwardly. 

"Give me Syndicate." Jordan ordered, tightening the grip on his knife. My dark eyes widened in fear. Why does he just want me of all people? I sent a look of confusion and fear to Tucker, who shook his head. 

"Alright," Tucker said. "We'll give you Syndicate." My eyes grew enormous as I looked at the Blood Mage, bewildered. Reluctantly, he pushed me into Jordan, who gripped the back of my collar uncomfortably tightly.

"What are you doing?!" I mouthed, fear rushing through my veins. 

"Stay calm." Tucker mouthed back, a sympathetic look on his face. Jordan rested the knife against my neck, causing small droplets of blood to spill out. I felt sick to my stomach. Sparklez tightened his grip as he slowly backed away from our friends, with me in tow.

Tucker's POV:

What were we going to do? Jordan wanted Tom, and he wanted him badly. Mindlessly, I spoke up.

"Alright," I said. "We'll give you Syndicate." Tom's eyes grew wide as he looked up at me in fear. Sadly, I pushed him towards Jordan, who grabbed his collar.

"What are you doing?!" he mouthed fearfully.

"Stay calm." I mouthed back, putting a sympathetic look on my face. Jordan put a knife against Tom's neck and backed away from us until they weren't in sight.

"Tucker, why the HECK did you do that!?!" Sonja screamed, punching me multiple times on my shoulder, causing me to yell out in pain. "Jordan just took Tom!" 

"I'm sorry!" I cried. "I just needed to get Jordan away so we could figure out what was going on!"

"Yeah, that would have worked if he DIDN'T JUST TAKE TOM." Wag muttered, anger clearly found in his voice. Why was everyone mad at me? I just basically killed my best friend.... Oh my god I just killed one of my best friends. What were we going to do?

Tom's POV:

"P-Please let me g-go..." I whimpered as Jordan pushed me into a single room house, which had one, lonely light. Small, hot tears escaped my eyes as I stumbled into the very back corner, pain radiating throughout my body. My entire body felt broken. What was happening?

Soon, Jordan closed the door as the flickering light was the only thing illuminating the room. He then pulled the knife out again and held it once again next to my throat, causing me to moan in agony.

"Good to see you, Syndicate," Jordan hissed loudly. Blood spilled from my neck, causing my mind beginning to swarm. 

"W-What's wrong with you?" I whispered quietly.

"What do you mean?" Jordan questioned. 

"We're friends! Best friends! And now you're trying to kill me!"

"We were never friends."

"Okay, what will make you think we were friends?"

"Name one memory."

"Uhh... oh, yeah! Remember back in Mianite when we trolled Tucker and Sonja by putting a bunch of snowman everywhere? That was awesome!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember what I'm talking about?" 

"Not a clue." 

"Why?" I moaned as the blood loss really started to get to me. My legs suddenly became wobbly as I fell to the ground, along with the knife sliding down my chest, cutting a deep slash on my suit jacket. More pain shot throughout my body as I felt the weakest I've ever felt in my life. Was I going to die? 

It then hit me. Jordan was actually going to kill me. I was going to die. It was my time. I don't want to go! But still, this moment was awful. My best friend was going to kill me. This is crazy.

"Why... Why do you want to kill.... kill me?" I asked, half sobbing.

"Mianite's orders." Jordan mumbled softly. Somehow, my eyes widened in realization. Mianite's orders? Jordan is Ianite's one true follower! Did something happen when he was gone? That one questioned still was stuck in my mind. What happened to him? This was going to be my last memory. My best friend killing me. Not even himself. No glasses, no communicator, no nothing. He was almost a completely different person. 

Then, the effects of the knife being continuously pressed against my neck finally hit. I lost all feeling in my arms and legs, sending me sprawling to the floor, nearly dead. Jordan than stood up and looked down at me, an evil grin on his face. This was it. My final moments. Like they always say, my life started flashing before my eyes. Meeting Tucker, living in Mianite, meeting Sonja and Jordan, going to Ruxomar, meeting Wag, Martha, Andor and everyone else, and then up to here.

"Goodbye, Tom Syndicate," Jordan laughed. "You will not be missed." With that, he slid the knife down my throat, causing my vision to become instantly blurry as my entire eyesight went blank.


I always write better at night. I don't know why. Also, sorry for a lot of POV switches, but I wanted a little bit of Tom's POV. Also, how would you guys like a sequel? Maybe a Syndisparklez? I have ideas. Anyway, comment down below what you want, thank you all for reading and I will see you all laterade!


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