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Through it all you could still make my heart skip, heart skip..

Jewel stared down at her song book, then up at Phil, who was fast asleep beside her. She couldn't get it, why was it so hard to write a song for Phil?

She tried thinking of all the happy moments the two have had, but they were fogged up by the fights the two have had almost every other day.

Filled with frustration, she tossed the book across the room, watching it hit the wall with a loud thump. Phil's eyes shot open, quickly sitting up, "What was that?" He questioned, making Jewel roll her eyes.

"It was me, relax." She ran her hands through her hair, looking over at Phil.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, then laid back down, "Stop stressing, lay down with me." He begged, patting the pillow beside him. Jewel sighed, then laid down. She turned her head to look at him, having him smile at her, "You know, you never told me, you write songs about everybody, what about Daydreamin'?" Phil jokingly asked, earning a giggle from her.

She blushed lightly, "I wrote it for you." She muttered, watching Phil's face go immensely red.

"Oh." He chuckled, yawning a little afterwards.

Phil didn't know what to think. She wrote such a beautiful song for him, and he had no clue it was for him? He felt like a twat, like he let her down.

She sighed, "I feel like it wasn't my best piece, so I'm trying to rewrite it."

Phil frowned at her, grabbing her hand under the sheets, "Don't think that, it's a lovely song. I love.." He thought about his word choice for a moment, then grinned, "The song."

Jewel giggled, then kissed Phil's nose, earning a giggle from him. He snaked his arm around her waste as she snuggled closer to him, making Phil's heart warm. He played with her hair, staring at her with a romantic gaze, watching as she drifted off into a dream.

But little did Phil know, was that Jewel was only waiting to hear Phil's snores first.

I think Phil's snores are so cute ugh oh my god he's adorable in general

I wanna see you smile! ~ Hillary xx

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