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Calum has a child from his past relationship and has now been in a relationship with Luke for more than half a year but both of them get woken up by Calum's son because he's been having a nightmare.

[just imagine calum as a father though]

Calum can feel how someone's poking his arm softly, but since he's still asleep he doesn't realise it's his son.
"Daddy?" He can hear his son whisper and he thinks it's a dream at first, but when he then hears it a bit louder; he opens his eyes sleepily and looks around until he gets used to the darkness, seeing Colin standing at his side of the bed. "Col, what is it? Is something wrong?" Calum asks, sitting up a little, resting on his elbows.
"I-I had a nightmare, and-and it was scary and I can't go back to s-sleep," Colin mumbles and Calum can hear that he's about to cry.
"It's okay, Col," Calum says softly, "do you want to tell me what it was about?" Colin shakes his head quickly, holding onto his teddy bear with a tighter grip. "Do you want to sleep with me and Lukey?"
Colin isn't sure, but then nods.

"Who's talking?" Luke's voice suddenly enters the conversation and Calum looks over, noticing the blonde also resting himself on his elbows.
"Sorry if we woke you up, but Col had a nightmare and can't go back to sleep," Calum explains as he helps the five-year-old up in the bed.
"Ah, well, sleep with us then," Luke says, sounding extremely tired, so Calum isn't surprised when the blonde's head falls back on the pillow and soft snores escapes his mouth barely even ten seconds later.

"Is Lukey mad at me?" Colin then asks, getting under the covers. Calum chuckles.
"No, no," he puts his head on the pillow as Colin does the same, looking at his dad with the same brown eyes.
"Are you sure?" Calum smiles.
"He's just tired, I promise he's not mad, let's sleep now, okay?" Calum turns to his side so he's facing Colin and Colin just giggles.
"I love you, daddy," he says, and just as with Luke; Calum can hear the sleepiness.
"I love you too," Calum says just as his child does the exact same thing as Luke did, falls asleep just like that.

"I love you so much."

okay yeah this wasn't really a cake one bUUUT i just really felt like writing about calum being a dad because omg

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