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this isn't a shot (again) but i just want to apologise for being so inactive on's honestly so much going on in school like we have a test tmrw and friday and then the whole next week is filled with things and idk i just don't have the time to write AT ALL and i feel so bad because i have some good ideas but i can never write them because there's so much school stuff to do, i have to stay up late everyday and that leads to not having enough sleep and im always tired and i always have a headache and UGH IM JUST VERY SORRY OKAY :(

i really feel so bad :( i will write soon (i feel like i write that all the time) but i don't know when i have time really, i don't want to lose readers because of me not having time but i understand if people don't want to read something that's never updated.

ugh im sorry bye ):

the most important things [one shots-cake]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt