end of the day [pt.2]

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End of the Day – One Direction
[part 2 of the history one shot]
(once again, I love one direction)

"All I know at the end of the day,
is you love who you love.
There ain't no other way.
If there's something I've learned
from a million mistakes,
you're the one that I want
at the end of the day."

It's been four weeks since Luke left Calum, and poor Calum is completely broken.
He'll never stop loving Luke; he won't be able to even try not to love him.
He knows his life is ruined, he knows that his heart won't be able to fix.
And just those few facts breaks him into even more broken pieces, it's like you've smashed a mirror and then walk on the already broken pieces, just to break them even more.
"Fuck," Calum mumbles as he turns around in bed, it's 3am and he's not able to sleep. It's in those moments when having a Luke is a good thing, he can always calm you or make you fall asleep, it doesn't matter why you're not able to fall asleep, he just has that kind of power in him. On everyone.

Little does Calum know though, that Luke is actually regretting his decision. But what can he really do to change it now?
He knows how broken Calum is, and it doesn't matter how much Calum wants Luke back, Calum won't be able to forgive. Not after this; his heart has been broken two times, and that's two times too much.

As Luke turns around in his bed too, he wonders how sad Calum actually is. They never said a proper goodbye. Calum's past wasn't the best either, lots of bad habits that Luke had helped him get through, they had been through a damn lot, and Luke has just left everything behind. And damn, he's such an idiot.
He overreacted, but he didn't want to go back either, he wasn't ready, had he ever been ready for a relationship with Calum?
Had he even been ready to move in with the older boy? They had just done it and lived together for three years, then Luke decided to leave. "I'm such an idiot."
But still; he couldn't get the feeling of regret as much as he wanted, he wanted to feel it eat him from the inside; he wanted it to tear him apart because maybe it would be the sign that he was still in love with the dark haired boy? But no. Nothing.

He missed Calum.
Calum missed him.

But they couldn't go back together, it didn't work that way. Both knew that they secretly loved each other; both knew that they've gone through a lot and both have made millions of mistakes throughout the years.
But getting back together would just be another mistake; and none of them really wanted that.
Calum may be broken, but he knew going back to Luke would make it all worse than before, and Luke may be regretting his decision, but their relationship wouldn't last longer anyway.

Both knew that at the end of the day; it all was just a big mistake.


there will probably be some typos etc in this and it's slightly rushed, idk why but it just is. hope you like it though!
goodnight xx

[not edited]

the most important things [one shots-cake]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt