coming out

315 27 8

I'm happy, nervous, stressed and sad at the same that even possible?

+ not edited because who has the time

Luke had been asking Calum if they could come out to the fans for a few weeks, but Calum had always answered by shaking his head nervously.
Luke accepted it, but he was tired of hiding. The crew new, management knew and the other boys knew. The fans deserved to know, some wouldn't accept it, they already knew that. But they knew the majority would freak out since nearly everyone seemed to ship cake. Both as a romance and a bromance.

But when Luke asked Calum the same question after waiting a few days, the older boy had hesitated, but then nodded.
"I'm just scared they won't accept it, what if it all goes down hill after this?" He had said, Luke had just been shaking his head.
"We all know that not everyone accepts these kinds of things, but we also know that the majority of our fans do accept it, so there's nothing to worry about." Had been Luke's response.

So later that day, after telling the other boys and the crew about their plan, they decided to have a twitcam. Like the old times, and it made Calum think of a few years ago when they were doing twitcams regularly, before cake was even out to anyone.
As the four sat down in front of the computer, seeing already 34.000 people watching, Calum's heart started beating hardly, the numbers got higher and higher within every second passing by.

"Hey guys!" Michael yelled, "how are y'all?"
The tweets in the side of screen were plopping up but barely anyone answered the question, the most of them were just tweeting "follow me!!" or "notice me!!"
Luke sighed and smiled nervously, the numbers getting higher. Ashton looked at the two younger boys sitting in the back. "Is there something you want to say?"

Calum glanced at the numbers, 89.000?Already?! It's been like five minutes, he thought and his eyes widened.
Luke took a deep breath. "Yeah, there's something I have to, or well, we have to tell you guys," he said, motioning for him and Calum.
Calum kept quiet though, he was too nervous.

"We know not everyone will like this, but there is simply nothing you can do to change it-" he paused, taking another deep breath. The tweets were rolling in, filled with question marks and capital letters.
"Me and Calum, what should I say, were together," it felt weird to Luke, to sit there and say it in front of a laptop.

The views immediately went wilder than ever before, the fans had probably tweeted about it already, giving the twitcam over 150.000 views in less than ten seconds.
It was crazy, but nearly everyone seemed to freak out, because of joy.
Calum hadn't noticed thought, he was still too scared to do or say anything.
Luke read out a few tweets, giggling at them.

Calum moved forwards, sitting next to Luke. The other two band members had already left the room, knowing it would easily be awkward sitting there while Luke and Calum talked about their relationship.
"Do they want us to kiss?!" Calum asked excitedly. Luke laughed.
"I am honestly crying rn please I need that cake kiss I've been waiting for since 2013"
The two boys laughed at he tweets and Calum felt more relieved than ever, he had been expecting the worst but was received with the best (that sentence felt weird hmm uh pls correct me.)

"Oh well," Luke gave in, placing his hand on Calum's cheek and then pressing his lips against the brunettes, and when they pulled away, the tweets were crazier than ever and they were happier than ever before.


oh my god this was horrible i sUCK at writing happy stuff

i guess you guys have noticed that most of my stories and one shots are sad and this is the reason because cute/happy things are hard for me to write idek ://

the most important things [one shots-cake]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt