Xavey (The R.I.C.H Lifestyle Chapter 2)

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So happy that I am in the 60's of Teen Fiction and the 50's of None-Teen Fiction so that just made my whole year.

   Chapter 2


                Xavier McColm signaled the big breasted waitress for another Brandy he happened to see Liana Rome and Iris Chandler model walk in they were like real life size Barbies their perfect skin and hair they were the envy of every girl and the dream girl of every guy.

He took a sip of his new Brandy and captured the image of Liana in his head before turning away to his girl friend Rose Skopter.

Rose looked him in the eyes and said “Xavey,I've been having some doubts about us."

He kissed her on the check and responded “I know it has been a rough year, but look were still here together."

Rose looked away and whispered something he couldning make out.

He chewed the ice of his brandy, he was getting kind of ticked off. This past year so many rumours about them had swirled up and they had already "broken up" about 8 times, he didn't need another "break up".

Rose croaked “I need to figure things out..."

He barely managed to control his tone “You mean We."

Rose's eyes that were once a happy shade of light green turned into a cloudy dark shade of muddy grass.

He stood up and yelled before leaving “Screw You!"

Damn It he thought to himself honestly he had been through every obstacle possible with Rose, he had to go to therapy for like 8 months to make sure he was doing the right thing. Looks like the 600 an hour his family had payed the therapist wasn't enough.

He made a stop at his house and plopped into his bed his cell ringing like crazy so he just locked it in the closet, that was what he did with everything he didn’t like or want. His sister Rebecca walked in wearing booty shorts and a baby tee.

“Whay is my sister dressed like a prostitue?" He asked, his voice lower than usual.

“Well we are doing this car wash and…”Rebecca rambled on and on, he just tuned her out and smiled at her.

He guessed he had fooled her when he gave her a small wave and left his room.

Am I supossed to be finding a rebound? He thought to himself, he had heard that asking someone out after a breakup made the person who dumped you feel terrible, and that's what he was hoping would happen to cancel  Rebecca’s subscription to Cosmo he thought.realizing he had rememberd this from last month's issue.

       It was Sunday and it was almost 5 there was never anything to do on Sundays because everyone was trying to soothe a hangover or planning their next hangover. Sure they had homework but they always finished it in between classes, the rich kids get special treatment and they loved it.

 He layed on his bed for half an hour looking at the glow in the dark stars on his roof that he had put up there when he was 12 and his dad left his latter in the kitchen, this had also caused him to break his arm . He had reminded himself that he was Xavier freaking McColm, and that he could basically buy anything he wanted and he could bribe anyone back.

 After finishing his mini pep talk, he checked his email:



                                Xavier, I know that we have gone to hell and back at least twice and now we both think that all that was for nothing, but it was for something. It was some kind of life expierence.......

 He really wasn't in the mood to read some type of "inspirational" bull shit, expecially when they weren't even sleeping together.



                                Dear Xavier,

                Saw what happened with that your ex-girlfriend Rose, I was wondering if you needed to talk or something. Maybe we could get some brunch or something sometime?

                                ~ XoXo Liana

 When he saw the email from Liana, his spirit lifted now he didn't care as much that he had just been dumped by his serious girlfriend in front of everyone and that he had wasted over three thousand dollars on therapy that didn't work.



                Yea, I guess that's just the way life goes.It wouldn't hurt to get some coffe and donuts sometime.

                             He clicked send and smirked to himself, he already had Liana Rome, the girl everyone wanted setting up their first date. Who needed Rose, when he had Liana.

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