A Good Girlfriend (The R.I.C.H Lifestyle Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3

                                               A good Girlfried

                                Iris stopped at Apartment 407 it was her on and off again boyfriend Andrew Vaveor’s apartment and you know what that means. She noticed that His hair was slightly messed up but he tried his best to comb it with his fingers. She leaned in a kissed him he tasted like toothpaste and he smelled like apple shampoo. He just turned 18 years old and he had given her a funny look at his mother's 40th birthday party, so they hooked up in the closet.

Andrew mumbled “I have my Yale interview tomorrow at 7.”

Iris chirped  “With you SAT scores they will accept you in a heart beat."

Andrew hugged her and spoke “I know but is it wrong to have  that nagging voice in the back of my head that's telling me not to get to cocky?"

                She took a small sip of her Black Coffe and didn't anwser him, A good girlfriend didn't bring her man down but a good girlfriend also shouldn't get his hopes up to high/

“Call me after the interview.”She said to him kissing him and picking up her purse from the coffee table.

“Okay, I love you.”Andrew said to her in a sad tone

She kissed him again and smiled “I Love you too.” And walked out the house waving at his sad face.

                             She did want to go to her house,Her mother and father were like sex monkeys they did it like every night and didn’t notice if their only child was gone. She didn’t really care she was a junior so she was heading leaving this demonic house. ry hour. She was going to Yale with Andrew and  Liana and would major in writing or fashion or some type of femine thing. She could also just get her trust fund money and buy a huge home and marry an old billionaire. Although,She preferred a career.

As she unlocked the big white door to her house she heard the sound of  plastic nails tapping against the marble kitchen counter, there was her cousin Delilah standing she was a freshmen and a loser.

Hey Iris!”Delilah said jumping making her oversized chest and her greasy hair bounce.

Hey Delilah….”She said in a dull tone.

                She whispered something snarky that Delilah would just brush off before turning away to her room, Delilah would rat on her in the morning which would cause her mother to yell and she would have to sleep at Liana’s or Andrew’s house. Delilah was just a poor cousin who was staying with her family because her mom was sleeping with French boys in France. It was an under estimation to say that she didn’t like Delilah, the truth was Delilah was a buzz kill and a cockblock,she ratted on her when she went out to party at night or made out with a boy in her room. She fell asleep thinking of how much she hated Delilah, but it wasn't that she hated her it was that she hated her families love.

                It was 5 am when her mother yelled for her to come down “this instant” she brushed her hair and gracefully walked down the white stairs to her parent’s angry faces in the kitchen and Delilah looking Guilty eating cereal.

“Are you going to explain yourself young lady?”Her father said in his angry voice even though he sounded constipated.

Na, I think I’ll pass.”She said in a sweet happy tone.

They looked even more furious than before, “WERE WHERE YOU UNTIL I IN THE MORNING, YOU DIDN’T THINK WE NOTICED?!”Her mother said basically at the top of her lungs.

You wouldn’t have noticed if a certain  cousin sewed her mouth closed.”She said bitterly and threw a glare at Delilah who was now crying like a toddler.

Her parents quickly went to comfort her ugly cousin and as they did she slowly walked upstairs to get ready for school. She went with a white and black poke dotted shirt that stopped at her shoulders and a tan skirt that reached her hips with a black buckled belt. She looked hot and when she stepped down the stairs her parents were waiting for her still.

You’re not off the hook Iris and poor Delilah hasn’t stopped crying!”Her mother said and her father just nodded.

“Look, I am leaving anyways so I don’t give a damn about Delilah and I am staying with a friend tonight so don’t even try to punish me because the truth is that you didn’t even notice I was gone.”She said in a strong tone and headed out the door not looking back at the 2 adults with faces full of awe and anger.

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