Clinically Insanely Crazy For You (Chapter 8)

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            Chapter 8

            (Some of you might be expecting an Iris or Xavier Chapter but I needed to write this character before I got lazy Meee Sorry )

            “Welcome back, Paul. A patient at Greenrock mental hospital said.

            Hey, Hi’s and is this your 4th time surrounded Paul. Angry glares also rained over him from the councilors and all the other people who thought they were rehabilitating them here.

            “Hey Man! “His roommate and the only person he could trust here Gavin said chuckling a bit.

            “Well Hello Sir Gavin “He said sarcastically bowing.

            “Whatever, man.”Gavin said playfully throwing a pillow at him.

            “You got to stop trying to get out of here man.”Gavin said, rubbing his chin for some reason.

            “I don’t even fucking belong here, I just like things clean! “He said angrily falling on his hard bottom bunk bed.

            “Half of us don’t, but w-“Gavin started to say.

            “Why don’t you realize how serious this is we are in a mother fucking mental hospital and you don’t give a damn?!”He yelled again, he was just getting angrier.

            “I’m not saying that I don’t know that this is probably illegal, but I came from the streets man and this is the best I have been treated. “Gavin said calm.

            He just grunted, he was almost 100% sure he didn’t have OCD.His Step mom just stuck him in here because he was a clean freak and his step mom just wanted him out. He wasn’t saying that having OCD was a bad thing, but he was stuck in a mental hospital for God’s sake.

            His birthday was 4 days away and he was getting out of here, one way or the other.

            “Come on Man, you can be mad at me for calling it like it is.”Gavin said throwing another pillow at him.

            “I met a girl…”He mumbled his face still the pillow.

            “Congrats, Paul. “Gavin said as plain as it could go.

            “Aren’t you curious about her? “He said, he was kind of disappointed he wanted to tell someone about her.

            “Well,yeah but you won’t stop talking about her for like months. “Gavin said climbing up to the top bunk.

            “Okay, well she was blonde and not that slutty 21st century blonde but the graceful 50’s blonde, and she had really pretty eyes they were like all girly and stuff. She was wearing one of those feathers everyone is into these days, and she smelled really good like cookies, her name was Liana Rome.”

            “Did you just say Liana Rome?!”Gavin said hastily falling off the top bunk.

            “Yea remember exactly that her name is Liana Rome. “He said dreamily.

            “Dude that’s one of the rich chicks that is on like The New Yorker and Time Magazine and shit,she is like everywhere! “Gavin said getting up from the ground and looking through some newspapers.

            “Sure she is Gavin. “He said sitting his legs crossed on the ground, not wanting to believe that she was one of “them”.

“Take a Look for yourself. “Gavin said handing him The New Yorker with Liana’s face on it looking kind of like Marilyn Monroe.

            He didn’t even want to look at it; he threw it back at Gavin .He knew that it would say something about her going to some type of really fancy school and how she lives a “normal” life, just like Rosemarie.

            “Why do you always go for the Rich chicks?” Gavin said climbing back to the top bunk.

            He felt pain in his stomach, this always freaking happened He would get another Rosemarie and she would dump his ass for some Actor, Whatever, I will probably never see her again anyways he thought, but for some reason he knew that this was a lie

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