Lipstick is the new and handier pencil!(The R.I.C.H Lifestyle Chapter 4)

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 Chapter 4 

Lipstick is the new and handier pencil!

“Mmmm Alcohol.” Liana said slightly drunk

Daniel Foster walked up to her looking extra anorexic.

She squeaked “H-Hi I am Daniel Foster and I w-w-would like to ask you if you w-w-w-would like to be interviewed on teen d-drinking?’

She stared at the girl with a dumb and blank stare she was holding a John Daly in her hand taking sips every 10 seconds .Daniel was turning different shades of red every second that past by,finally she gave Daniela a “go away!” look and the girl ran off like a rabid squirrel. She was feeling prettier than usual since she sent that email to Xavier McColm from her Iphone.The hours passed faster and faster until the sky was dark.

“Damn It Im passed my Sunday Curfew!” She whispered to herself.

Everyone knew that Sundays were the days that the Haptic Students "relaxed" and started preparing the next party. So most adults enforced the Sunday curfuew,no not for like church or something it was because the adults knew that they couldn’t really punish their kids for drinking and sleeping with each other (It was in their blood it was the rich lifestyle!) so the adults cut their only relaxation day in half. She drank more of her John Daly and left a one hundred dollar bill under the empty glass.

Her mother Ursula Rome was standing on the porch drinking a “coke” but it was actually an alcoholic drink called a Pilsner.

“Liana Autumn Rome where the hell have you been?!” Her mother yelled looking like a she beast.

She chewed on some gum and walked up to the porch quickly but slightly drunk making one foot slightly shake when she walked.

“Where’s Dad?” She asked her mother with a drunken tone.

“With Marcela….”Her mother said in the saddest tone possible.

“You two are divorced, you wanted the divorce he cheated get over him or kick his ass out of our 4 story house!” She screamed before storming off to her room.

She jumped on her black and pink striped bed and turned on reruns of Dawson’s Creek.

“Why are you always giving mom a hard time?” Her brother Greg asked slightly irritated.

“Because she is always giving me crap!”She yelled at him also throwing a black pillow at him.

           Greg angrily stormed out of the room and slammed the door making the walls quiver slightly. She knew that she was rude to her mother but the truth was her mother always bitched to her about still loving her father and regretting not staying with him and it was getting even more frequent than usual.

           She grabbed the black pillow she threw at Greg and put it under her head. She had to be perfect for tomorrow.

           She woke up at 5 am sharp, school started at 8 (8:15 for the rich kids) and she was ready to sashay down the halls with everyone giving her an envious glare. The first thing she did was throw away the empty bottle of jack in the special trashcan in her walk in closet.

           There were four dressing rooms in each corner of her closet for herself and her friends. It was every girls dream to have a walk in closet and a big four story house with big glass sliding doors leading to porches in all of the 24 bedrooms.

              She had the Taylor Momsen section, the Emma Roberts section and other sections heavily inspired by celebrities. Of course she wasn’t going all Marilyn Monroe and dress in red lipstick and sleep with a bunch of presidents. She toned it down just a little she wore a grey puffy skirt that had lace on the puffy shoulders and an amazing 70’s inspired skirt that reached her kidneys and stopped right above knees. She looked amazing wearing her diamond earrings and her strawberry lip gloss. The only thing that was wrong were her poop brown eyes, she had no idea why she had brown eyes instead of sparkling blue ones or bright green eyes. She always thought that it was because her dad slept with so many people and still slept with her mother that it gave her brown eyes like all of the whores he slept with. She looked at herself in the mirror and this time she didn’t wink or blow a kiss at herself, she wrote herself a personal note in hideous black lipstick before turning out of her closet and into the kitchen she took a peek at the word written in lipstick,Better.

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