Smoke,Drink,or Whiff (The R.I.C.H Lifestyle Chapter 5)

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Chapter 5

    Smoke, Drink, or Whiff

Like always Liana Rome and Iris Chandler walked through the big glass door. Xavier McColm put out his cigarette as a teacher passed by, than in a snap Greg Rome and Matthew Holliston were standing right next to him trying to place their eyes were his were.

“Hey have you heard that Ms.Breakner is saving up money for a boob job?” Matthew asked while Ms.Breakner passed by.

“Who the hell told you that?” Greg asked letting out a cloud of smoke.

“I got it from the Haptic High school Newspaper. They are always publishing shit liked that.” Matthew said looking at the freshmen who were staring and winking at him.

“Then why do you read it than?” Greg asked mocking Matthew by blinking a lot like the freshmen girls were.

“Man, I just do.” Matthew said obviously buying it for the entertainment and gossip.

He was interrupted by an annoying ring and the whole classroom ran into their classes.

Except for most of the rich kids.Karey Lower was failing at asking out some weird Russian kid that had an obsession with the small intestine. Liana was fixing her perfect blonde hair in her locker mirror and Iris was making out with Andrew Vaveor. Matthew and Greg were debating on if they should go to Crane Moyer’s Party or Valerie Batter’s social adolescent “gathering” and you could tell which one they were going to choose.

People had been swarming him with questions and numbers. He didn’t want to ruin his never been dumped reputation,so he just told everyone she slept with a twenty something gardener and he had found out so he had dumped her. He was telling this to Benn Decker when his History teacher Mr. List yelled at him.

“Mr.McColm is your conversation more important than the holocaust?”Mr.List said with a hint of anger in his voice.

If Mr.List was going to give him Bullshit he would do the same.” Well Mr.List we all have our own opinions don’t we.” He spoke a smirk landing on his perfect face.

Everyone in class was gasping or staying silent, except for Eric Caras who was copying next week’s homework from Mr.List's planner.

“We will see if the principal has the same opinion as you.”Mr.List said as he wrote up a yellow slip.

No one sent Xavier McColm to the principal’s office,everyone knew that he had the principal in his hand. His parents help fund 56% of the schools supplies and field trips. His parents could destroy Principal Croown’s reputation faster than a bulimic girl could vomit.

“Well you did r-”Mr.Croown couldn’t finish before being interrupted by Xavier.

‘My parents are replacing this schools auditorium. Every year Teen Vogue likes doing stories on me, and sometimes Kendall Jenner likes to go to the movies with me.” He said in a confident voice and it seemed like the argument was won.

“I will see that this gets taken care of Mr.McColm.”Mr.Croone said in a nervous intimidated tone.

He was out of that office in less than 5 minutes. Mandy Peterson was smoking some marijuana in the girl’s bathroom, like always he was offered but he was more of the drinking away all your troubles type.

“Man what did Croone say?” Matthew asked reeking of marijuana.

He rubbed his nose and complained “Matt you reek of dope!”

“Oh Shit man I am going to go smoke it off see you in French Class!” Matthew said hastily and ran out of the empty Girls bathroom.

No one really cared if the boys went into the girl’s bathroom or the girls went into the boys, it was usually to do drugs, smoke, have sex, and a boatload of other things.

He took a gulp of the Tequila bottle being passed around and caught the eye of a good looking brunette girl, looks like it would be a good day after all.

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