Wedding Crashers was a complete lie!( Chapter 6)

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         Chapter 6

Wedding Crashers was a complete lie!

“Is it true that you and Xavier are now a couple?!” Her best friend Iris said applying another layer of hairspray.

“Do you think I would of not told you if we were?.”She responded giving a duh glare at Iris.

“So that means No.” Iris asked slightly saddened

They usually wouldn’t act like this in school because they like to maintain a certain level of intimidation and respect. A group of girls came in with “I want to be you” looks.

Iris turned around and found Amanda Monee staring at her “You always want what you can’t get Mandy.”

She snickered; she was inferring to Amanda’s “boobs”.Amanda of course ran out of the bathroom .After she ran out Iris threw a winner’s smile at her. They were winners.

Johnny Wilkerson (His name was actually Jonatharen Boavart but everyone hated that name) came up to them his in his designer gold blazer and his designer white pants carrying his satchel.

“Girls in honary of my father getting a promotion lets all go to Louis Vuitton and wipe out the place!” Johnny said excitement ringing in his voice. Johnny was one of the only gay guys in Haptic, no one knew how but he became friend with them last year.

Iris tilted her head as she walked “Hmm I think they can’t handle us, What if we just hit Tiffany’s tomorrow?” Iris said touching her diamond heart pendant from Tiffany’s.

“Why don’t we just hit Barney’s or Bergdorf Goodman?” She suggested. She wasn’t really in the mood to drive the customers away with her beauty.

Johnny teased “That is like going to Sea World for one hour.”

Iris walked backwards so she could face them “Let’s all have a shopping weekend!” She clapped as she spoke.

“I Can’t I'm "grounded" because I came home drunk last night."She groaned remebering her mother yelling at her during breakfast.

“Damn it! I guess me and you will have to smash the town.” Iris said as she flashed a look at Johnny.  

Everyone could tell that Johnny was extra excited that they would shop for days, but was hiding it because of the question that was bound to come up “So you're dating Xavier McColm, the guy who used to spill his strawberry milk shakes on my cashmere sweaters!?”

"Not yet." Iris said putting emphasis on the YET.

 "If you two do end up hooking up,tel him he better not leave those comment's on my facebook page!” Johnny said as his  hair slightly pounced every time he talked.

The rest of the conversation was just a big blur between Chace Crawford and Legally Blonde. Iris and Johnny snuck away to take a puff of Johnny’s last cigar. She was left snickering at a girl who had the ugliest pixie cut when the man himself came up to her.

“What’s this about you and that McColm boy?” Her father Harlon said his smile almost blinding.

“I thought you were going on a trip to Boca.” She said flatly stating her disliking of him.

“I did go but it turns out Marcela wanted me to meet her parents.”Harlon said picking at his nails.

“Well that’s a Big Shocker,Harlon.” She said dully.

“Who is Harlon? I am your Daddy remember.”Harlon said his voice sounding flat.

It was so strange how they looked and acted like each other. Her father was a dick; he was an architect that had contributed many buildings to the New York skyline.

“How the hell did you get here?” She asked with her aggravated and angry tone.

“Watch that mouth Liana, and for your information I donate money for your classrooms and the lockers so I get a key.”Harlon said matching her tone.

“Well I don’t give a Fu-”She was cut off before an over joyed Harlon spoke.

“I came to tell you that I Harlon Rome and Veronica are getting married.”Harlon’s bleached teeth forming the perfect smile.

Holy Shit, that son of a bitch is going to fucking kill my mom! She thought to herself it was hard enough that she had to see the bastard every day,now she had to see a slutty chick sticking her tongue in her father’s mouth! This was going to be the talk of the rich side for years.

Harlon raised his blonde eyebrows when she stayed silent but continued to talk “We meet in Boca!” “

You were in Boca for 4 damn days!” She said yelling that caused everyone’s eyes to direct themselves towards them.

“Well candy cane I have to go tell Marcela that you want to come right!”Harlon said his face showing to much happiness it was a weakness.

“No….and I guess mom wont want you home…..ever.” She said walking away from him, it was an under estimation to say she was pissed off.

“Hey Li we decided to go to yogurt bar and sit down and not order anything to make everyone feel fat you in?” Johnny said folding his hands together laughing a little.

She felt something running down her face it was weird like water being flicked at you.

“Oh don’t cry we can go see Scream 4 again.” Iris said as she slid down to the ground of the back of the school. This was just damn great. She would have to hear her mother bitch about this for….forever. Greg would stop this. He would right? Even though her brother was sometimes bastard, he actually cared about certain people.She didn't think he would though.....

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