Chapter 2 - Misundertandings

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“I guess I’ll see you around?” I asked Josh sheepishly, annoyed at Ian for ruining the friendly atmosphere.

            “Sure,” he shrugged, glancing at the twins in confusion for a split second. He gave me a small smile before walking off to the lockers.

            Once he was out of hearing range, I turned to glare at Ian.

            “Why do you have to be such a jerk?” I asked him exasperatedly.

            “Well, you two were making goo-goo eyes at each other and blocking the way,” he answered nonchalantly, side-stepping me into the office.

            “We weren’t making ‘goo-goo’ eyes,” I protested, making air quotation marks as I said it. “And you could’ve just asked nicely!”

            “He’s just jealous,” Daniel whispered conspirationally to me before following his insufferable twin into the office.

            “I heard that!” Ian snapped, causing both of us to chuckle in amusement. “And I’m not!”

            I sighed at Ian’s ridiculous mood swings. He’s even worse than me on my period sometimes.

            “Bye, guys!” I called after them, before joining Em who was practically bursting at the seams from my encounter with Josh.

            “Go ahead, freak out already,” I told her, grinning like an idiot myself.

            “He’s so dreamy!” she squealed, gripping my arm tightly as we made our way to our lockers.

            “Yeah, he reminds me of Clark Kent,” I agreed. “You know, his glasses, and his whole intelligent, brooding guy thing,” I babbled. What can I say? I have a thing for Superman.

            Em nodded her head vigorously in agreement. “And I thought hot nerds only existed in movies,” she sighed. “You should really find him again later, find out his classes,” she continued excitedly.

            “Nah, you can have him, Em,” I laughed, waving my hand at her.

            “Seriously, Andrea!” she exclaimed, throwing up her hands in exasperation. “You’re a junior and yet you’ve never had a boyfriend in your entire life!” she ranted indignantly.

            “I’ve never needed one,” I shrugged as we stopped by my locker. The way I see it, my life’s perfect. I have three awesome best friends, my parents are amazing, I’m on the way to a 4.0 GPA and I’m on the school’s field hockey team. I don’t need another boy in my life to make me happy. The twins are a handful enough if they are anything to go by, but apparently Emily thinks otherwise.

            “That’s because you don’t know what you’re missing,” she countered stubbornly, shaking her head in disbelief at my i-couldn’t-care-less attitude. “You’ve never even had your first kiss yet!” she added incredulously. 

            “I have – “

            “No, Andy. Your kiss with Daniel when you guys were seven doesn’t count,” she interrupted sternly, giving me a WTH look.

            “Actually, it was with Ian, and it was a dare,” I corrected her, rolling my eyes at the direction this conversation is going.

            “Whatever. So the point is – “

            Em’s next words were drowned out by the school bell ringing, causing her to scowl at my victorious grin.

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