Chapter 21 - Sucks To Be Me

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Thankfully, the ride home was uneventful. I was in a great mood after that little moment in the female bathroom, and Josh noticed the drastic change from my earlier mood, for I was laughing and smiling so much. Its like I’m on a delirious high; high on my favourite drug: the Whitley twins. I didn’t see them anymore after that. They were gone when the movie ended, and no matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t spot Danny’s car anywhere.

“What made you so happy out of a sudden?” Josh mused, eyeing me with an amused grin after I managed to calm down a tad.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, giggling slightly before catching myself. Crap. Did I just giggle? Eww..

“You’re so weird sometimes,” he shook his head and turned his gaze back to the road.

“Well, you’re even weirder then,” I shrugged, leaning back into the leather seats of his vintage Chevy, inhaling the relaxing smell of musky old leather. “You’re the one who asked me out on a date,”

“And you agreed,” he added sarcastically, though I could see the grin on his face as he remained focused on the road. “You know, I never really understood why you kissed me back then,” he suddenly added, his casual tone sending stabs of panic through my body.

Gone was the lightheadedness and carefree attitude, I was deathly pale as I gaped at him in terror. This is it. The moment of truth. I have to tell him that I can’t date him, because I –

“I like you, Andrea,” he continued talking before I could answer, and again his words sent me into a fit of frozen panic. But he never once turned his head in my direction, not even after confessing that he liked me. “And its funny watching you being so dense about it until I mustered all my courage to ask you out,”


“Josh, wait,” I stammered, wincing at how uneven my voice was. “I, uh, k-kissed you – “

“You kissed me out of humiliation, I know,” he sighed, still not looking at me. “That girl called you a name, and you panicked,” he stated matter-of-factly, and I involuntarily winced at the faked indifference in his voice. He was clearly hurt.

“Josh,” I managed to choke out. “I’m sorry – “

“You’re sorry you kissed me?” he raised an eyebrow, finally turning to look at me, the accusation and pain in his amber eyes causing me to flinch.

“No,” I stated firmly, the bitterness in his voice starting to annoy me. Why won’t he let me speak instead of jumping to his own conclusions. “I’m not sorry that I kissed you, and I don’t regret going on this date with you. No, listen!” I hissed when he opened his mouth to interrupt. “I’m sorry that I led you on, because I think you know that I don’t like you that way,” I finished at a much softer tone.

He was quiet for a moment, his eyes staring blankly at me. He seemed to barely notice when a car flashed its high beams at us, honking wildly as it swerved out of the way.

“Hey, hey! Watch the road!” I yelled hysterically, pointing at the car in front of us who had stopped at the red light.

He stepped on his brakes just in time, the old Chevy stopping just a few inches away from the car in front of us.

“Oh my god,” I let out a groan, clutching my hand to pounding heart. “That was close,” I exhaled in relief, surreptitiously watching him out of the corner of my eye. Josh looked eeriely calm as he ran his fingers over the steering wheel, his fingers carressing the worn out metal.

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