Chapter 3 - Apricot Pie and Love Talks

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A/N: Sorry for not updating! I started school yesterday! UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, thanks so much for those who liked and supported this story. I see a lot of Ian teams already! ;)


"Welcome back, honey," Mom greeted cheerfully as I trudged into the kitchen wearily, followed by Daniel who had driven me home. Ian was hitching a ride with some chick, if you get what I mean.

"Hello, Daniel. How was school?" she smiled at the two of us as she removed her flour-stained apron and wiped her hands on the kitchen towel.

"Seriously, mom?" I whined, dumping my bag on the wood floor and sitting on one of the island bar stools.

"Tiring, as usual," Daniel added, sighing as he joined me on the marble kitchen island, resting his head on its cool surface.

The first day of school always sucks. You feel so exhausted and burnt out just from spending six hours straight sitting down wondering why you are even there in the first place.

"Cheer up you two," she chuckled at our miserable expressions. "I baked your favorite apricot pie,"

"Really?" I brightened up at once and sat up straighter on my seat. "Is it done yet?" I asked excitedly, jumping off my seat and walking over to the oven eagerly. My mouth watered as I glimpsed a peek of gleaming, golden crust from the oven's glass door.

"Move over," Daniel complained as he shoved me to get a better view of the pie.

Both of the twins' parents work, so they have practically lived their entire life on my mom's cooking. What can I say? My mom's awesome!

She laughed at our ridiculous antics. "Where's Ian?" she asked, finally realizing that he had not followed us in.

Daniel and I exchanged surreptitious glances at each other. You tell her! I pleaded with my eyes. My mom can see right through me and I suck at lying in general.

"He's hanging out with his friends for a while," Daniel covered for him smoothly; something he's been doing for years now. I don't know how he puts up with Ian's whorish behavior. Right now, I feel like kicking his ass.

"Really?" mom raised her eyebrows in suspicion; crossing her arms over her teal blouse.

Gah. Seriously, in moments like this I hate Ian the most for being a trouble-maker. Thanks to him, our parents don't believe a single word we say if it concerns Ian.

"Yeah," Daniel nodded seriously. "He'll be back soon," he added, shrugging indifferently for the effect.

"Alright then," mom sighed. "The pie will be ready in a few minutes. Go and change first," she continued on a lighter note, playfully shooing both of us out the kitchen.

"Thanks, mom!" I squealed, giving her a kiss on the cheek, before rushing up the stairs to my room with Daniel hot at my trail.

The twins stay over at my house so often that they have a room of their own with all of their stuff in it. I have my own room over at their house too, but they stay at my house more often because their parents' jobs required them to travel across the states quite often. Our parents are really close and they treat all three of us as their own. We are like triplets, only with two sets of parents and two houses.

I practically ran into my room, while Daniel ran into his and Ian's. Changing into a pair of flannel shorts and one of Daniel's old t-shirts, I quickly removed my make-up and ran out just as Daniel was walking out of his.

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