Chapter 5 - Patching Things Up

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A/N: Thank you for those who commented and voted! Sooo, I uploaded early for you guys!!!



            “Daniel,” I smiled weakly, extricating myself from Ian’s reluctant arms as he walked over to the two of us, his forehead scrunched up in worry.

            “Ouch,” he grimaced when he noticed the red bump on my forehead. “What happened to your forehead?” I sighed tiredly as he lifted my chin and examined my forehead closely.

            “Hit it on one of the bleacher poles,” I muttered under my breath, shooting Ian a surreptitious glare of accusation, which unfortunately did not go unnoticed.

            “How is that my fault?” Ian scowled, crossing his arms over his chest and shooting his twin a dirty look when Daniel shook his head in disapproval.

            “You were screaming your head off so I had to hurry and calm your stupid ass down,” I retorted back at him childishly. “Ouch!” I hissed, swatting away Daniel’s fingers when he suddenly prodded my throbbing forehead. “Don’t touch it!”

            “Alright, alright,” Daniel sighed, raising both hands in surrender. “It looks really bad, that’s all. Come on you guys, second period’s already started,” he said as he put an arm around my shoulders and began steering me towards the school building.

            “I’ll stay here for a while,” Ian shrugged indifferently, flopping back down on the grass and leaning against the bleachers.

            “Suit yourself,” Daniel nodded at his twin. “Come on, Andy. We need to get something on that bump of yours,”

            As Daniel maneuvered me around the school bleachers, I can’t help but look over my shoulder at Ian’s slumped form on the grass. Even as I watched, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took one, placing it into his mouth. As if sensing my gaze, his gaze snapped up to mine’s and he winked playfully at me before lighting his cigarette.

            “How come Josh was here earlier?” Daniel suddenly asked, causing me to turn to look at him.

            “Not you too,” I groaned, slapping my forehead and immediately yelping in pain when I remembered the bump on my forehead.

            “Alright, I won’t ask, “ Daniel chuckled, squeezing my shoulders comfortingly.


            Em kept avoiding me throughout the rest of our lessons. Either she would sit with her other friends or she would ignore me whenever I caught up with her in the hallways. Much to my surprise and hurt, her friends from the Glen Ridge Press were either glaring daggers at me or preventing me from talking to her; they kept talking animatedly to her whenever I’m within a five meter radius. This childish behaviour infuriated me so much that by the time the lunch bell rang I was ready to throttle one of them.

            “Emily!” I called after her when I saw her flaming red hair bobbing along amonst the crowd walking into the cafetaria. She ignored me, and instead began talking with another of her Glen Ridge Press friends, a skinny blond girl called Katherine. Damn it.

            “Andy!” Daniel’s voice brought me to a halt, and I grudgingly spun around to face him.

            “What is it, Daniel?” I sighed impatiently. “I have to talk to Em,”

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