Chapter 11 - Banana Caramel Crunch!

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Hey everyone! Another update! Thank you for your support and understanding! I’m  much better now. I sometimes feel like using a 3rd person’s pov to  convey the other characer’s thoughts! Tell me what you think? Happy reading!


“Mom! Dad!” I yelled desperately as I rang the doorbell over and over again, shifting from one foot to the other nervously under Josh’s unnnerving gaze. Damn it! My house keys must have fallen out of my purse somewhere. “Sorry, I didn’t bring my house keys,” I explained sheepishly, feeling doubly guilty everytime I look him in the eye.

The sound of approaching footsteps, along with my parents muffled conversation grew louder from behind the door, and I heaved a loud sigh of relief when the familiar click of the front door unlocking broke through the awkward silence that surrounded Josh and I.

            “Andrea!” Mom gasped when she saw the bedraggled state I was in.  “What happened to you? Aren’t you supposed to be staying over at Em’s?” she gushed, practically pulling me into the house.

            “Who’s this, Andrea?” Dad asked me gruffly, eyeing Josh suspiciously.                              

            Ugh, Dad! This is so not the time for this! I grimaced and surreptitiously sent Josh an apologetic grimace. “My school friend,” I answered, sending dad a warning glance.

            “Oh!” Mom noticed him for the first time and smiled warmly at him. “Are you Andrea’s friend?” she asked him politely.

            “Uh, yeah,” Josh nodded, shifting uncomfortably under my dad’s intense scrutiny. “I’m Josh. Nice to meet you,” he offered his hand, which my dad shook somewhat reluctantly. As if deciding that Josh was no threat, he simply nodded at all of us and returned to his morning newspaper.

            “Do you two have plans for today?” my mom asked me, glancing between Josh and me curiously.

            “Yeah,” Josh answered before I could tell her otherwise. “We’re taking pictures for the photography competition,” he explained smoothly, his earlier awkwardness having disappeared along with my dad’s exit.

            “That’s wonderful!” she beamed at Josh genuinely, and I could tell that she had taken quite a liking for him. “But, honey, why are you dressed like this?” she turned to me skeptically, eyeing me sternly. “You didn’t stay at Em’s after the party?”

            “Uh, no. I stayed over at the twins,” I admitted sheepishly, running my hand through my greasy hair guiltily, and avoiding looking at Josh.

            She frowned and leaned in closer to sniff at my hair. “You got drunk again didn’t you?” she demanded, wrinkling her nose at the strong mix of alcohol and chlorine smell permeating every inch of my hair.

            I simply looked at the carpeted floor, and nodded. ““I’m sorry,” I apologized. ”Don’t worry, I only had one drink and Daniel took me home at once,” I mumbled, trying to placate her disappointment.

            “Eleanor would kill me if you vomited on her new Persian rug. You didn’t, did you?” she asked me worriedly, shaking her head at me and I could not help but crack a smile despite of the trouble I was in. “Oh! Hurry and wash up, don’t keep Josh waiting,” she shooed me away, hiding her own amused grin and instead sending an apologetic look in Josh’s direction.

            “Don’t tell him weird things while I’m gone!” I called over my shoulder warningly as I made for the stairs. “Josh, don’t believe anything she says!” I sent him a playful warning before runing up the stairs.

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