Chapter 27 - For Now

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Hello everyone!! Don’t kill me please! Sorry for dropping off the grid for 3 whole months (I think?,) but I’m back now! I was dealing with a lot of post-graduation blues, post-exam laziness, pre-university stress and a chronic case of author’s block. 

Soo, on with the story! (If you still remember it haha.. anyway this chapter continued from where last chapter left off. Still the same day after she talked to Daniel...)

            “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Ian’s low, unexpected voice sending me jumping a good two feet in the air.

            “Aaagh!” I screeched in horror, my long, wet hair sent tiny droplets flying as I whipped my head around to face the intruder. In a knee-jerk reaction,  I sent the second towel  I’ve been using to dry my hair flying in his direction, only to land limply on the floor a good few feet away from his feet. He guffawed at my reaction and instead raised an eyebrow at my current undressed state.

            “Damn! IAN!” I whisper-hissed, clutching the towel wrapped around my body tightly against my chest. “Since when were you in my room?” I demanded, walking over to where he was sitting on my window seat and smacking his head, effectively wiping off that arrogant smirk from his lips.

            “Ever since you were in the shower?” he offered, wincing as he fended off my second blow. “Come on, I stopped you from taking off your towel didn’t I?” he added as self-defence, yet the amused twinkle in his eyes clearly said he was sorry he did.

            “Why you - Ugh!” I let out an aggravated groan, and gave him a half-hearted punch on the shoulder instead. “You know my parents and Danny are downstairs right?” I changed the topic instead.

            “Yeah?” he replied, confused at the sudden change of topic. “So?”

            “Which means you can’t be seen or they’ll wonder why they never saw you come in through the front door,” I replied impatiently, giving him a ‘duh’ face.

            “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving your room,” he grinned, his mischievous eyes raking down my towel-clad body appraisingly. “Not if you’re going to remain in that towel forever,” he added.

            “Ugh! You’re such a guy!” I let out another similar groan and hurriedly picked out my pajamas from my closet. “I’m going to change in the bathroom,” I announced pointedly at him and marched for my door.

            However, right before my fingers could wrap around my door knob, there was the unmistakable sound of Daniel’s voice outside my door.

            “Andy? You okay?” he called out worriedly, rapping on my door softly. “I thought we heard you screaming from downstairs,”

            It took me a few stunned seconds to recover from the shock, and sheer absurdity of the situation that I didn’t answer for a few seconds. Nothing registered in my brain except for the sound of Ian quietly sniggering behind me. That is, until Danny tried to open the door.

            “NO!” I screamed, grabbing the door knob and throwing my full weight against the door. “Wait! No! I mean, I’m okay!” I tried not to scream at Danny as his knocking became more insistent.

            “Andy? You sound terrified,” he finally stopped knocking.

            “No, no!” I took a deep breath before continuing in a less hysterical tone. “I just slipped while I was changing, that’s all,” I added a nervous laugh at the end for a more believable effect. Trying to salvage the situation, I even mixed in a bit of the truth. “I’m, erm, naked , so don’t come in, okay?”

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