Ch 4

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The door begins to shake as the person on the other side becomes impatient for an answer. I can practically feel his anger seeping through the door, slithering on the floor until it reaches my toes and spreading throughout my whole body, rewarding me with a wave of discomfort. 

Wrapping my hand around my knees i pull my legs up to rest against my stomach. Cradling the two useless limbs with my arms and trying to forget the fact i was scared senseless since i still regained no feeling in them.

A ticking sound suddenly fills my ears, causing my eyes to widen. Looking around i notice a dim outline of something hanging from the ceiling, the small speck of light escaping from beneath the door proving to be useful.

Clutching the small metal chain, i pull down until i hear a 'click'. A light-bulb right above my head flickers on, giving me access to my sight once again. 

A wooden desk, something you'd suspect to see in medieval times, sits about a foot away from me, a note sitting on it. Beside the note, a small old alarm clock sits, being the source of the ticking.

Pinching my legs i feel a slight tingle, like when you have a cramp in your foot and then apply pressure. Unwrapping my arms i put them behind me as i begin pushing myself forward, wincing every time my legs would get tangled in each other and not feeling the pain i should be. What happened to my poor legs while i was unconscious... 

Finally i come upon the table. Reaching up i blindly grab the note, hearing a tare. Clutching the note i adjust myself to be leaning against the table leg, sighing before examining the note. The top center has a tare in it, something had probably been keeping it up there and i had ripped the paper from it's grasp.

Scanning the writing i feel light headed, wanting the end of the night to come sooner.

So you've decided to take a nap, once again. Now is not the time to panic, you're just in my den. 

‘Tis now 1:00 o’clock, the night almost complete. Better watch your moves, or it is death you’ll meet.

I'll give you a few minutes, before you'll be running. My maneuvers, you'll find, are far more than cunning.

Although you can’t run, without any feeling. This fact you’ve most likely, already started revealing. 

That problem is your’s, good luck fixing it. I hope to see you soon, don’t bother trying to quit.

Because by now you should know;

There’s no use in hiding... the cycle never ends... I’ve almost found you... you will soon be dead. 

- Your “friendly” neighborhood Screamer

Slowly, i lower the note, my hand shaking uncontrollably. My bottom lip begins to quiver again, my eyes prickling and awaiting the tears they’ll soon shed. 

The banging on the door hasn’t stopped, it only getting faster and louder. I know he’s not trying his hardest to break in, he’d already have broken down the door if he was. Deciding i had to do something, i quickly looked around for any other escape. Nothing.

Sweat grows on my forehead as i look around more frantically, knowing there has to be some sort of exit. That’s when i notice it. A brick on the wall to my right is farther out than the others, sticking out just enough for someone to grab and pull it out.

Wasting no time i quickly drag myself over to it and let out a grunt when i bang my head on the wall. Ignoring the pain i lean against the wall and attempt to pull the brick sideways. Whether i’m just extremely skilled, or the brick was really loose, it came out within a few seconds.

Sighing in relief and allowing myself to crack a small smile i reach in the gap to pull the next brick out by its back but am surprised when my hand hits a wall. Shifting so i can look inside the hole i see that another wall is right behind it, only it was solid cement.

Just as quickly as it had come, all of my hopes of escaping vanish. The banging has become more demanding now, his patience leaving. A small sob escapes my mouth as the light flickers. As the light continues to spas out, i notice something for the first time in the hole, whatever it is reflecting the light. 

Reaching into the far left corner i grasp some sort of cylinder-like thing and pull it out. My eyes narrowing when i see it’s nothing more but a tiny bottle with a cork lid and aqua colored liquid inside. 

Slowly turning the lid it comes off with a ‘POP’, instantly releasing the stench of its contents. I hesitantly lower my head to sniff the substance, wincing as its smell punctures the nerves in my nose. 

The thumping of the door changes so it’s less frequent but louder, almost as if someone was throwing their body at it. Oh wait, he probably was.

Looking at the liquid in the bottle i figure it to be some sort of poisons substance, something that could kill me in mere seconds. I down it instantly.

The liquid burns in my throat, slowly going down as if it were alive and was crawling. Coughing i tumble over, feeling my legs suddenly start to move under their own control. My torso and arms start shaking, followed by my neck and head.

Then, just as quickly as it all had begun, it stopped. I lay motionless, fearing i may discover i cannot move anything from my neck under and have surpassed Death’s grasp once again.

A thump of the door startles me and i find my whole being jumps, including my legs. In a flash i’m on my feet, looking down at my legs in astonishment. Thank you horrid smelling liquid. 

To my right i notice something on the ceiling, and when i turn i see it’s just a vent with its screws loose that could easily come undone if one were to twist them with their own hands. Not like i could escape using it or anything. Yes, that was sarcasm.

Speed-walking over to the table’s side opposite to the vent i start pushing it, ignoring the squeal it makes when rubbing against the floor. When the table sits directly under the vent i jump onto it, reaching up and start to unscrew the screws. Minutes later the screws all lay sprawled on the floor after i threw them, my hands currently supporting the metal plate.

Sucking in a deep breath i lower it and see a white piece of paper sitting on it, messy writing covering the small sheet. Picking it up in my right hand i throw the metal behind me, not even being startled by the sound it causes when making contact with the floor.

I smirk at the note before dropping it and placing my hands on either side of the gap, hoisting myself up with a grunt before my whole body is squished in the vent. To my right a fan spins, blowing my hair behind me. So i start off in the direction of my left, hoping to find an escape.

Looking back at the hole i smile slightly at remembering the note, feeling grateful for its words:

Don’t think you escaped on your behalf, you’re lucky i like a chase. I didn’t have to make the antidotes location obvious, the liquid deactivated the mace.

*~ A/N: Mace is a substance that temporarily disables a person ~*

Trapped *Completed* -Editing Slowly-Where stories live. Discover now