Downpour: Edward Kenway x Reader

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Edward had kept his eyes on you all evening, the twitch of a smirk every time you looked over and caught him leering. That look alone was enough to give you shivers, to cause your heart to leap. It was an innocent look, an underlying mischief that would every now and then spark along the edges of his expression. You were slowly working your way through the room towards the back door, stopping to chat in order to make your escape a little less noticeable by the crew.

You finally slipped outside, closing it in a quiet hush. You leaned against the wall behind the door, grinning eagerly to spend some time alone with him. You readied yourself when it began to slowly pry open. Edward stepped out, his attention firmly on the door as it closed, making sure no one had followed.

You more than happily pounced, leaping onto his back and wrapping your arms around his neck. "Any last words, Captain Kenway?"

Edward groaned then chuckled, staggering but easily supporting your weight. "You planning on robbing me, lass?"

You pressed your mouth over his ear. "I certainly am. Perhaps, I could be persuaded otherwise. You look like... a man with many uses."

His hands reached back, feeling along your thighs and tugging them until your center pressed firmly against his spine. "I've numerous talents, aye."

Your fingers traced the hem of his jacket, tugging across each button and sliding downwards along the muscles of his stomach. "I'll need a demonstration, then, Captain."

Edward's laugh was light hearted, enough to make your heart swoon. "You'll have to relinquish me first, lass."

"For now, I will. Can't promise about later on during your... demonstration." You let go of your hold on him, dropping down onto your feet just as Edward was turning on his heel.

He grabbed hold of your hand, tugging you forward and hooking an arm around your waist. "I've a fine spot in mind for that demonstration." He guided you away from the tavern and through the alley, arm loosely around your back and fingers flittering across your hipbone, sneaking under your jacket and blouse.

You leaned into his warmth, the Caribbean night feeling a rather bit chilly compared to the sun's assault earlier that day. In fact, as you glanced about the sky, it was looking rather dark outside. You couldn't see a single star and there was barely the faintest of light from the moon. That's when you began to feel the first few droplets, a lukewarm sprinkle of rain kissed along your cheeks.

Edward muttered under his breath, casting his eyes upwards as if he could somehow see where the rain was coming from. "Our beach escapade might have be put on hold, love."

"Awe, what a shame." You playfully pushed your shoulder into him, unable to resist teasing him. "I never did like getting sand in my clothes, anyway."

"Ship, then?" He raised a wry brow and before you had the opportunity to reply, the rain fell in a sudden burst, soaking your hair and clothes. Edward laughed, mouth wide in shock as the cold water drenched the both of you. He laced his fingers with yours and ran towards the closest shelter. He pulled you beneath a rickety wooden awning, running fingers through the messy mop of blonde hair.

You couldn't help but giggle, reaching up and smoothing away the droplets that clung to his brow. You batted your eyes, rain dripping from your lashes. "Well, that was... unexpected." You licked your lips, tasting the freshness of the water.

"Like quite a few things in life." Edward's eyes softened, his hand sliding around your waist until his arms held you. He leaned forward, voice a soft whisper as if he were sharing an important secret, "I love you."

You ducked your head away, a blush heating up your skin where the rain had cooled it. "Edward..."

"I know you don't like hearing it, love, but I do." He encased you, head dipping down to press his mouth to your forehead.

"It's not that I don't like it..." You were just never quite used to hearing it directed towards you.

His voice was huskier, barely audible as he pressed his lips to your skin, "I love you."

You bit your lip before softly muttering, "And I love you."

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