Distracted: Edward x Reader

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You could hear the tumblers, felt the pieces of metal creak and jolt beneath the teasing of your lock pick. It was Edward who was making the whole ordeal nearly impossible. He went from watching you to running fingers down your shoulder to finally dipping his mouth down to kiss your ear.

"I'm trying to pick a lock." You carefully focused on twisting the metal deeper, your brows quivering and your bottom lip rolling into your mouth. "You mind not distracting me?"

"Can you blame me?" Edward kneeled down behind you and gently pushed your hair to the side. "You always get this cute expression when you're trying to focus." His lips found the bend of your neck, moist heat enveloping your skin as he sucked.

You gave up with a groan, both delighted and annoyed. "If you want this damn treasure, you'll stop long enough for me to open the door."

He pressed the heat of his mouth to your jaw. "Can't I have both? One now. The other later."

You couldn't stop your abrupt chuckle quickly enough. "And which is which exactly?"

Edward's swollen lips quivered to reply but the doors swung open. You both shot the robed stranger a startled look, taking a moment to absorb having been caught. You leapt first, knocking the man to the ground as Edward scrambled to cover his mouth with his hand.

"Edward..." Your attention swept over the room and the gathering of robed individuals that stood around a candle littered table. "Who was that contact of yours again?"

Edward's brow climbed his forehead as he took in the sight. "We should probably run, love."

You pushed yourself up off the ground just as Edward was jumping to his feet. His hand snagged yours as he raced off towards the way you both entered the building. You looked back down the hall just in case they might have followed. "Were they sacrificing a goat or did I completely misunderstand that?"

"Just..." Edward looked over his shoulder as well. "Just keep running, love."

"So much for that treasure." You flashed him a smile before looking ahead.

He gave a hum of approval. "I still have one..."

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