A Better Man: Edward Kenway x Reader

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Edward didn't look pleased at all. His lips were thin and pouting, their edges pulled down ever so slightly. His eyes were a mix of bitter annoyance and kicked puppy. Not to mention that his hair was thrown in disarray, the black ribbon just barely able to tame it back. A delightful combination and under any other circumstances, you'd have divested him of his clothes and taken him right there in the cabin.

He rolled his shoulders for the hundredth time and gave another groan. "Honestly, lass. Couldn't you have found us a better way in?"

You raised a brow at him, tugging at his expensive jacket and glaring up at him. "Edward. We've discussed this. The best way to get close to Rogers is to go to his party. You can't exactly do that looking like a man who just got washed ashore after a hurricane." You dropped your hands and motioned for him to take the seat behind him.

Edward all but fell back into it, slouching his weight down in childish protest. "I know nothing about these sorts of things. I'm not a noble or regal of any sort. They'll take a look at me and know."

You walked around him and posted yourself behind his chair. "That's why I'm going with you. It'll be fine, Edward." You carefully untied the ribbon before gently combing your fingers through the tangled strands of his hair. It smelled of sea water, a lively marriage of salt and musk. It even felt coarse and brittle from constant sun but also a thickness to it that demanded each brushing stroke.

Edward chuckled a bit, the first sounds of delight since the whole mission started. His voice sounded huskier, darker, "Enjoying yourself, love?"

You gathered his hair neatly before wrapping and securing it in place. "I am. And, I look forward to dancing with you tonight."

He gave a hum of approval, eyes slipping closed and chin resting upon his curled hand. "I'm not much of a dancer, I'm afraid. Unless it's done in a pub. After a proper drink or three."

You rounded the chair, fingers trailing across his shoulder just before you carefully curled up in his lap. "I swear to you that after this is done we will find ourselves a ship out at sea full of rum and ale... and you'll forget all about this night."

Edward tilted his head back, thin lips tugging into a crooked smirk. "There may be some parts yet of tonight that I wish to remember."

"Oh?" You lifted a brow, dipping your head down to suckle against the pliant skin beneath his ear. "And what sort of memory will that be when you can't exactly take your clothes off?"

Edward's large hand followed the curve of your back before cupping against your thigh and squeezing. "I've no need to be naked to satisfy you, love."

You laughed abruptly then got to your feet. "That I do not doubt." You sashayed away from him, being sure to let your hips roll with each step. You focused on fixing your own hair in the mirror. You had to make sure you both looked rich enough to be at the governor's party. You'd been to them before, countless times when you were younger. All of them were really just a game of pretend, games of show and tell.

Edward followed after you, palms kneading into your waist.

You looked at his reflection, the way he admired you in his arms. You spoke gentler, "After the mission. First we kill Rogers. Then you can have all you desire."

"I've already got what I desire." He tenderly took hold of your hand and pulled it to his mouth, the short stubble around his lips scratching subtly across your skin. "I've no need for nothing else."

You cocked your head at him but couldn't stop the smile. "You can't sweet talk me out of this. It's our easiest option."

Edward laughed a rumbling sound, rich and filling as honey. "I mean it, love. I want nothing but you." His warmth was fierce behind you but burned more so along your bare shoulders, the dress hugging barely onto your arms. "I love you. And it's not just you that I love..."

You chuckled abruptly. "Is that so? She a pretty thing?" You turned around so that you could meet him face to face, your lips eager to brush across his.

His eyes were soft, not as playful as you expected. "I love the person that I become when you're around." His fingers swept across your cheek, his eyes following the motion. "I love the better man you've made me into."

You draped your arms around his neck and pressed your forehead against his. Your eyes slipped closed, enjoying the warmth he encased you with and the fresh scent of the sea that clung to him. "You've always been a good man. You've just... made a few selfish choices."

He gave a deep throated laugh then hummed. "And I still am. Selfish to the core I am, wanting you all to myself." His lips greedily captured yours, tugging eagerly before pressing firmly once more. You moaned at his desperation, at the hands that gripped tightly around your dress, tugging at the cloth.

You tilted your head away and took a slow breath. "After Rogers is dead. We've a mission to get to."

"We do, aye..." His hand squeezed at your backside, massaging their way across hips to waist. "Once we're back here on the ship... Don't expect to see anyone for a while. I want you all to myself."

The corner of your mouth tugged as you trailed your lips along his jaw. Your teeth nipped at the skin beneath his ear, giggling when his body stiffened. "Then we best kill Rogers quickly. You know I hate waiting."

Edward hooked his arm low around your hips, pressing you firmly against him. His need was evident by the hardness that bugled against your center. "Shall we?"

"I for one am ready..." You batted your eyes jokingly as you sauntered out of his arms and towards the cabin doors. "You sure you can contain yourself?"

He grabbed your hips from behind, his chest pressing into your back. "Not at all."

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