A Small Fire: Ratonhnhaké:ton x Reader

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"There are too many guards. We will need a distraction."

You nodded rather slowly, taking in the enormity of the fort. Sneaking the both of you inside had been the easy part. It was getting one of you close enough to the general's home that would be the true test of abilities. The general called his elite to the meeting and that meant every guard in the city was patrolling the base of the manor.

"If you start a small fire..." He pointed out over towards the armor,y a cluster of building that included a forge. "Many of the guards will go there to put it out. It would an opening."

"Enough to get you in undetected."

"I'll make my way there." He pointed to the space beneath the mansion terrace, a spot close to the forge and the upcoming fire. "We will meet outside the fort when it's done."

When Ratonhnhaké:ton was far enough away you whistled one of the guards over. He drew his sword, eyes frantically searching the area for whatever intruder had the Gaul to break into a military establishment. Once he stepped close enough, you pulled him down, arm hooked tightly around his throat until he slumped into unconsciousness.

You stole his uniform, pulled the hat down over your features and carefully patrolled your way over towards the gathering of building. Thankfully the place was mostly empty save the few soldiers that wandered by towards the barracks, a minor change in the battlements patrols.

Your vision swept out towards Ratonhnhaké:ton to make sure the Assassin was in position. He was crouched down in the bushes with anticipation, an endless array of guards passing by him.

You grabbed a long piece of wood, a makeshift torch that you prodded the forge's fading flames with. The ashes swelled with reddening heat and eventually a fire clung to the torch. You marched over towards one of the carts filled to the brim with hay and lit its edges. You ensured the fire was well enough started before tossing the torch inside. Sadly, a guard shoved you just as the torch was thrown.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He spun you around to face him, the torch bouncing off the side of the cart and onto the ground.

"Well..." You smiled weakly, eyes catching sight of the torch rolling downhill.

"Well, what?"

You shrugged when you couldn't find an excuse quickly enough. "Well, nothing." You had to act quickly, before he could call for help. You threw a punch with one hand while the other struck forward, blade sinking into the soft flesh of his throat.

You raced off to grab the torch but it had already rolled it's way into the fort's stables. The flames lapped hungrily at every piece of available straw from one side of the stables to the next. And next to the stables was the storehouse, whatever resting inside no doubt the next victim of the fire's greed.

Your brow rose as the exasperated sigh passed your lips. "He did ask for a distraction."

You tossed aside the guard hat and strode across the courtyard towards the hidden entrance Ratonhnhaké:ton and you slipped through earlier. You barely stepped inside when an explosion quaked the sturdy foundation of the fort. "There goes the monthly gunpowder rations..."

You waited for Ratonhnhaké:ton on the peak of a hill, watching the raging and uncontrolled fire consume the fort. He joined you, just as mesmerized but the sharp irritation in his words couldn't be missed. "When I said start a small fire... this is not what I was talking about."

You failed to press away your smirk. "We managed to destroy their armory, stables, and gunpowder supplies... I call that a victory."

He rolled his head to peer over at you and without even having to look you knew he was glaring from impatience. "We did not get the information that we came for."

You gave a mocking shake of your head, a click of your tongue. "Never satisfied."

His sigh was heavy and whatever annoyance he held was dissipating. He peered over at you just as you did the same, eyes meeting tenderly. His tone reflected the same, a subtle hint of humor beneath his staccato of words, "And why are you wearing that?"

You ran your hands down the uniform, leather belts and gold buttons, the well fitting cloth. "I wear it better than them."

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