Adorably Cold: Haytham Kenway x Reader

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Haytham exhaled and you watched his breath wisp through the air in soft grays. He tossed his head a bit, as if he were finally admitting the truth of the situation. "Well, I suppose we are walking from here on then." He clasped his hands behind his back, prying his attention away from the thin wheel tracks along the snowy road.

You pursed your lips, only in an attempt to keep from smiling. "I did try to warn you about leaving the carriage out here unattended."

He darted his eyes about the trees but not because he was annoyed, not particularly about what you had said. He was annoyed about the turn of events. The lead he had received turned up empty only after they had trudged through the woods in two feet of snow. And on top of it all, the carriage had been stolen. Right off the road.

Haytham was handling it rather well. Or rather, he was really good at pretending to handle it well. Haytham always was hard to read. But he wasn't cursing and he hadn't made any attempt to shout with irritation. He had only stared at the empty spot where the carriage had been left to wait, a blankness to his expression.

"No use standing around then." You started to walk down the wide path, snow creaking beneath your boots. "I doubt they'll bring it back to us when they're done."

Haytham strolled behind. He never bothered catching up with you despite your slow pace. Perhaps he was brooding and didn't quite want you to see.

"I think I saw an inn on the way here." You looked over your shoulder at him.

He was looking off into the woods, the mostly full moon casting down just enough light to reveal the spaces between the trees. The white snow that covered the ground reflected well and the entirety of the land was relatively visible. "It is at least an hours walk. Perhaps two at most."

You all but stopped your steps and faced him. "Master Kenway, I'm shocked. That isn't a childish complaint, is it?"

His brows jolted and his gaze jumped to you. "I beg pardon?"

You chuckled at how insulted he looked. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were sulking." You grinned rather boastfully at him and, of course, it shifted his mood rather quickly.

Haytham swaggered forward with his head high. "I should hope you are not suggesting that your Grand Master is so weak-willed."

You cocked your head. "Unless it's true."

His own lips pulled into grin. "And what do you think, my dear? You think that I am... weak? That it is my own fault a brigand came along and stole our transportation?"

Your ducked your head away to hide the growing smirk. "I think..." You reached out and fiddled with the edge of his jacket, finding that your fingers were coloring in shades of purple. "You should have listened to me."

"Hah!" Haytham shouted but underneath it all there was a laugh. "I should have!" His arms quickly scooped you up against his chest, squeezing you tightly as you giggled delightfully at the sudden display of affection. He spun you, the cold air caressing against every inch of exposed skin but his warmth around you making it all the more worth it.

You bit your lip, your arms tightening around his neck. "Haytham!"

There was a chuckle low in his throat. He steadied himself, setting you on your feet but refusing to loosen his hold. "We shall not reach the inn quickly enough. We should start a fire nearby and warm up."

"It wasn't that far." You raised a challenging brow at him.

He raised a brow as well, almost mockingly. "I do believe your lips are turning blue."

You gave a slow nod because Haytham was beginning to look just as cold. "Very well. You win. But if we can't start a fire and freeze to death..." You began to grin again, watching his expression shift into mischief. You chastised, "Haytham, whatever you're thinking..."

He turned his attention up towards the stars, that sly smirk still spreading wide. "I don't believe I've ever participated in a snowball fight."

You gasped and tried to take a few unsteady steps away from him but his arms only loosened a fraction. "We're freezing out here, Haytham. Fighting with snow isn't particular the wisest idea."

He swept his eyes down to you, the pale moonlight reaching past the edge of his hat and casting light across his features. He seemed all the more breathtaking, nose and cheekbones setting the perfect shadow. His hands slid to your hips as he leaned forward, the warmth of his breath a relief to your lips. "And you do look rather adorable when you're cold."

You wanted him to close the distance, to finally tease a kiss out of him but you were patient. You let your words brush across his lips to taunt him, "Any colder and I'll be dead..."

His eyes never left yours as he very mildly shook his head. "I certainly can't have that, now can I? You're so little use to me if you're dead."

You shoved him playfully. "Well, I can see your priorities--"

Haytham's mouth captured yours, swallowing the rest of your protest until it morphed into moans. He always knew just when you to pull away for the next kiss, when to sweep his tongue and when to nip at your bottom lip. It wasn't just his mouth either. His arms always had a way of wrapping mindlessly around you, gathering you wildly against him as if he couldn't get you close enough.

Haytham finally took down a shivered breath and pulled from the kiss. He drew in his reddening bottom lip, licking at it before muttering, "Well, if we can't get our fire started... I suppose there are other ways to get warm."

You pressed your laugh into his chest. "Fire, Haytham. Now."

He couldn't resist letting his hands roam across the bend of your back and waist. "A thousand pardons, my dear. I had not realized that you were the Grand Master."

You craned your neck, chin pressed against his collar. "Oh, I'm far higher than the Grand Master... I'm his greatest weakness."

His hands reached up to cup against your cheek and there was very little warmth left in his touch. "Then I shall certainly want to keep that weakness fairly close. And certainly alive." He placed a slow kiss onto your forehead, taking his time before stepping away. "A fire then. Well, where shall we start?"

You rolled your eyes shut. "Sticks, I should presume."

Haytham gave you a cocky smirk. "It is no wonder you are the one in charge."

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