The Good Kind: Shaun Hastings x Reader

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The safe house was clear of everyone but him. He stayed behind to get some work done, muttering about how he was the only one whoever actually did any 'real' work. In all honesty, you knew it was because Shaun hated going to place with large crowds. Where as, Rebecca and Desmond thrived off of it.

You had busied yourself with a few chores while some of the data you retrieved for the order was being downloaded. You were just finishing up when you had found the freshly washed laundry sitting in the dryer. And it was still warm. And the warehouse was a bit cold... So, it seemed only right to borrow Shaun's sweater since he wasn't exactly in need of it.

You knew it would not only ruffle his feathers into being an adorable, infuriated mess but... Well, a part of you liked the idea of wearing his clothes. In fact, you reveled at it. But you'd need a proper plan in order to keep Shaun from taking it back from you.

You tossed your shirt into the washer and slipped into the over-sized sweater. God, it really was warm. It was no wonder Shaun wore it all of the time. It was also no wonder why the warehouse's air conditioning was always on full blast.

You strolled through the building towards the common area, slowing your steps when you reached the entrance. "Hey, Shaun, has my stuff downloaded yet?"

Shaun had to do a double take he'd been so caught off guard. "Is that..." He clenched the papers in his hands before slapping them down onto the desk. "That. Is mine."

"Sorry, is this your sweater?" You feigned innocence, glancing down at the soft gray fabric. You tugged at the hem of it, pulling it over your thighs, before flicking your attention back up to him. "I'll give it back... eventually."

It took Shaun a great deal of time to reply. Or blink for that matter. His ears began to prickle red under the heat of your attention, under the sweet but smoldering way you were looking at him. He finally regained his senses, remembering that he was upset with you. "That is my favorite sweater, thank you very much. Take it off."

You flitted your gaze to the side, pretending to admire the wall's texture. You weren't putting in too much effort to explain the real situation. It would be more fun to embarrass him. "Shaun–"

"Now." He threw a hand at you, towards your fingers as they tugged at the hem. "Unbelievable. Look. You're stretching it. It'll be completely ruined at this rate. Have you no respect for others things?"

You threw your weight onto your hips, somewhat twirling them back and forth to catch his attention. "But, Shaun–"

"No." His eyes narrowed as he marched forward from his desk. "And what gives you the right to go around stealing other people's clothes... Get your own. Can't even leave laundry around without someone else mucking it up." He held out his hand without an ounce of hesitation.

You rolled your eyes. "If you really want it back that badly..." You tried to press away the smirk as you pulled the sweater up and over your head, the cold air of the warehouse hitting your bare skin. You could hear distinctly Shaun suck down a sharp breath of air. You made sure your voice was a low whisper, "I tried to warn you."

Shaun's lips were parted but not because he was planning to say anything. He swallowed his pulse and licked his lips before finally meeting your eyes. "You... are evil."

You tenderly pressed the sweater into his chest.

He reached up and strangled the fabric, entire body tensing and his face coloring in shades of pink. He was finding it incredibly difficult to keep his eyes on yours. "I suppose... it did look rather nice... on you."

"Oh? So, it looks better on?" You tilted your head just enough to draw attention to your mouth. "Or off?" You looked down at your chest, knowing the action would cause him to do the same.

Shaun's words were half-strangled as he spoke, "We are supposed to be working."

"Oh, right." You sashayed past him, being sure to put confidence in every step. "I'll start with that last set of data they sent us."

He nearly shouted it but his voice cracked under uncomfortable anxiety. "I can't work with you half naked." His steps quickened until he was all but running into you.

"I guess... you'll just have to give me back your sweater." You peered over your shoulder at him, drawing your bottom lip between your teeth.

He huffed, finally catching onto your real game. "Evil."

You grinned rather pleased with yourself. "The good kind."

He tossed the sweater at you and sauntered off back towards his desk like a child who had lost his toy. "I hope you're satisfied. Ruining a perfectly good cashmere, if you weren't aware."

You shimmied back into the sweater and took down the subtle but lingering scent that Shaun had left behind after clinging onto it for dear life. You walked over to where he was, hands flat against the desk and shoulders hunched. You ducked down under his arm so that you might pull him into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry I stole your sweater."

He stuttered, words barely audible, "Yes, well you bloody well better be." His anger, what little was left, melted away as his hands slid across your back. "You do look rather nice in it."

You pressed your mouth over his ear, hot breath tickling his skin, "Does this mean I get to wear them more often?"

Shaun only managed a moan of approval.

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