The Rescue: Jacob Frye x Reader

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Hooves cracked against cobblestone as you spurred the horses faster. The carriage beneath you swerved, the wheel groaning and the beams creaking. You couldn't slow down, not if you were going to reach Jacob in time. You pulled taut half of the reins until the carriage was making an impossibly sharp right turn down the street.

You could see the factory in the distance and Jacob running across the rooftop. The timing had to be precise, Evie had been very clear with you about it. Jacob hadn't been listening so of course you paid extra attention. You slapped the reins, shouting over the roars of the speeding carriage, "Jacob! Jump!"

His grin widened, a wild spark in his eye and he quickened his pace and leapt the long distance to the back of the carriage. His hand just barely snagged the edge before his feet slid out from under him. He scurried onto the top of the moving vehicle before sliding rather agilely down into the seat next to you.

And thankfully he did so just in time because the factory exploded, the bloom of hot air swelling outwards, your body thrown against his and the horses screamed in protest, the reins slicing across the palm of your hand. The carriage had just narrowly escaped the blast but it was still in range for ricochet, bits of wood and metal spearing towards the closest object, including you and the horse closest to the blast. The horses sped up through the bursts of adrenaline and fear.

"That was exciting!" Jacob took the reins from you, guiding the horses' unrelenting speed towards the large but empty main road. "I've never had so much fun. Did you see that explosion?"

"I'm sure half of England saw that explosion." You leaned forward, shoulders hunching up around you. Your heart was still racing. It had been close, too close. If you hadn't made it in time, he would have been too near to the blast to escape.

Jacob grinned over at you, tossing you a wink, "No need to stroke my ego, darling. Although, it doesn't hurt."

You huffed, a chuckle in the back of your throat. "Oh, I'm aware your ego needs no applause. You already think too highly of yourself, Frye."

"Damn." Jacob tugged at the reins, slowing the panting horses into a side alley. He snapped up your hand once the carriage settled into a calm. "Is that your blood?"

Your body was still trembling, nerves rattled as your hand quaked in his hold. "Must have happened during the explosion."

His grasp on your hand softened, large and rough fingers nimbly turning your hand to better see the wound. He examined the thin, deep gash that curled over the side of your hand between your thumb and forefingers. "I should have taken better care–"

"Jacob." You tried to jerk your hand away but he used his other hand to keep you from getting too far. "It's not a big deal."

He lifted your hand closer, his eyes rolling up to meet yours. "Here, let me kiss it better for you." His gaze never wavered from yours as his mouth dipped down to the wound. His lips parted to let his tongue sweep across in one long stroke.

You flinched at the sharp pain but the way Jacob's eyes were locked with yours... It was hard to want it to end. "Jacob..." Your face burned in stark contrast to the chilly autumn weather.

He lifted his mouth away, a cheeky grin all the more visible. "Better?"

You took down a shuddered breath and turned your attention to the horses.

He pressed a brief kiss onto your hand and set it in your lap. "You should be more careful next time."

"You should blow up less buildings." You rolled your eyes to peer over at him.

"What would be fun in that?" Jacob started the horses into a slow trot, a hand thrown out towards the high buildings above as if he were motioning to some grand architecture rather than the slums.

You melted back into the hard carriage but it wasn't for very long.

Jacob wrapped an arm around your back and pulled you against his side. His hand caressed along your arm, squeezing tenderly every now and then. "I'm glad you were there for the rescue, love."

You sighed, appreciative of the rich scents that clung to his jacket. "Always."

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