The Order's Charms: Altair/Ezio/Arno/Connor/Jacob x Reader

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Hard labor, he said. Punishment for reckless endangerment. As if pushing an Initiate off of a building was in anyway reckless. "Practical practice for real world situations," you reasoned. Templars weren't going to wait for recruits to get over their fear of heights. But your superior wasn't having it.

Hard labor, you groaned, hardly understanding how that was supposed to deter you from your actions. If anything it would only make you bitter.

You took a horse out to the location of one of the outer lying towns. It had been attacked and the Order was given the lovely little task of cleaning the place up again. Burned down homes needed to be cleared away and others needed to be rebuilt. It was a job given to much lower ranking recruits but your mentor thought it best to use it as a punishment for "mouthy and disrespectful" students instead.

You left your horse at the stables, finding that there were quite a few other horses already housed inside. You almost groaned at the idea of having to work with Assassin of lesser rank. They always tried to appear "wiser" and "more skilled" than you. And knowing you were in trouble, for the hundredth time, they'd be even more eager to prove it.

You could hear the sounds of hammers whacking against metal and wood. Something heavy was thrown down and an irritated voice shouted, "You're the blokes who got me in this mess!"

You followed the path towards the noise, hardly eager to see what the fuss was about. You rounded the corner and found a group working on rebuilding one of the houses. Your brows jolted high. Your mouth fell open, words forming as you tried to process the scene. The other horses at the stables hadn't belonged to lower recruits. In fact, they belonged to some of the more well respected Assassins in the entire Order.

All of them were sweaty and shirtless, baked by the high noon sun. All but Arno, that is. He was sauntering over towards a workbench and tugging his shirt over his head, tossing the offending article aside. "To be fair, it was Ezio who got us into this mess."

Jacob, the rowdiest but well accomplished Assassin from England who had only just arrived, had been the one to shout. He was staring straight at Ezio whose palms were thrown up in surrender.

Connor stood by the house door with hunched shoulders. His arms were folded over his chest and his gaze was burning into the floor with a mixture of anger and guilt. Altair was hammering away on the house wall, brows pinched as he put his anger into each swing.

You lifted your chin and swaggered over to the group. "The Order's Finest," you teased. "Don't tell me you boys got caught doing something considered wholly inappropriate?"

Altair stopped mid-swing, his head turning to take in the sight of you, a mixture of shock and delight subtly touching his features.

"Mia bella!" Ezio lifted his arms out with a wide, delighted his smile. "What are you doing here?"

You huffed, recalling the reason clearly. "The real question is why you boys are here."

Arno's skin was laced with sweat as he combed his fingers through his slightly drenched hair, raking back the long and messy strands. "Ezio thought it would be glorious to sneak into the women's bathhouse yesterday."

Jacob growled lowly, "Caught in the act, as it were."

Ezio threw his hands to his chest. "It would have worked had it been any other day. Besides, I knew you were there. I saw you step inside."

You ducked your head away and pressed your smile into your hand. "You tried sneaking into the women's side and you got caught? Not very good at sneaking I see." You shook your head mildly then glanced up at Connor and Altair who had been rather quiet. Altair couldn't take his eyes off of you, something needy flickering in them, and Connor couldn't look at you for longer than a second.

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